

July 11 C R Y D E R P O I N T Updated Photos: The Dock and Sea Wall This shot gives you an idea of how nice the new dock is! It’s a lot wider than the old one. A view of the sea wall from the dock The view from the dock looking west Looking north And of course the Throgs Neck Bridge It’s rare to capture pictures of the sea wall from the river, but Kostas Sfeliniotis did. He took these photos on June 28 while on his way to work to City Island that morning. Thanks Kostas! This is as close as Kostas was able to get for a close-up. Still, you can see a lot of the detail of the wall.   www.qNS.com | July 2016 | CRYDER POINT Courier 11 While we’re waiting for the promenade to be finished, it seemed timely to share some new pictures of the dock and sea wall. Although the dock is strictly off-limits due to the construction, our intrepid Lou Garcia got out there on June 6 to take these photos. It was a particularly stellar day, and these shots give us a good tease as to what we’ll all be able to enjoy soon. Thank you Lou! This photo captures the wall, the dock and all three buildings. A bit further out, you get an idea as to how massive the wall is. Impressive!

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