July 10 C R Y D E R P O I N T The Promenade is Moving Forward It’s the Beginning of the End! By Jill Davis It feels as if we’ve been talking about the promenade forever, and after a while it started to seem more like an urban legend than something that was actually going to become a reality. But in fact, the promenade has been in the plans for a long time. The rendering here will give you an idea, conceptually, of what’s in the works (see all the green space!). The path will run from the west side of the 21 building to the east side of the 41, with several benches along the way for relaxing and enjoying the spectacular view. If the ongoing noise from machinery isn’t proof enough that the work is actually happening, here are some photos documenting the progress thus far. Bill Newell took these on June 29 and 30, and they illustrate various aspects of the walkway’s development. The work is beginning by the 21 building and working eastward toward the dock entry and beyond to the 41 building. One key factor in all this: The promenade is one of the last things on the sea wall “to-do” list, so this means we are, in fact, nearing the end of the project. Please keep in mind that there are still important things that will need to be taken care of before we return to normal (if anyone can remember what “normal” is, please let me know!). First, all of the heavy work--like the promenade- -needs to be completed so that all of the nasty machinery can vacate the premises. Once the machines 10 cryder point courier | July 2016 | WWW.QNS.COM are gone, there need to be reparations done to the 01 and 41 parking lots, which have taken a brutal beating from all of the heavy equipment moving in and out over all this time. Those need to be taken care of before we can return folks to their regular parking spots, and we need to return folks to their regular spots before we can begin the removal of the temporary parking lot and renovate it back to green space. But let’s not dwell on those things right now. Seeing the promenade taking shape is a major turning point and will be a beautiful new feature to the property for all to enjoy. Draft rendering of the promenade and the north end of the renovated green space.
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