

Valentine’s Day Exclusive! The Cryder Point Courier Talks to Gabby Van Goren! In our ongoing efforts to bring our readers topics of interest, the Cryder Point Courier dove into its archives and discovered some long-lost writings by the syndicated columnist, Gabigail- Van Goren, better known as “Dear Gabby.” Our younger readers have probably never heard of her, but Gabby began her advice column in the 1970s, and it initially ran in 100 papers across the country. Unfortunately, Gabby had a tough go of it, probably because after five failed marriages she had become a tad cynical. Eventually her readership dwindled downto just three or four papers, including the now-defunct Cryder Point Post-It. Undaunted, Gabby continued to writeregularly until she filed her last column on February 14, 1998,when she retired to Boca with her new husband, Gabriel Von Gluten. Happily, the sixth time was the charm, and Gabby and Gabe live there happily to this day. We caught up with Gabby by telephone recently to see what she’s up to. Below are excerpts from our conversation. ****************************** Cryder Point Courier: So Gabby, tell us, how is retirement? Gabby Van Goren: Well, I’m actually not as retired as you might think. I’m starting to write my memoir. It’s tentatively titled, “So Many Frogs, So Little Time.” CPC: Sounds interesting. I’m sure you will be enlightening a whole new generation with your personal experiences and from what you learned writing your column. GVG: Well, I don’t know about enlightening anybody. I’d just be happy if people weren’t so stupid. I include myself in that, by the way. CPC: By stupid, you mean, stupid in relationships? GVG: Yes, absolutely. Take me, for instance. Who’s been married more times than I have? Elizabeth Taylor? Mickey Rooney? When I was young I wanted handsome, and I thought my first husband was drop-dead gorgeous. His secretary agreed with me. Number 2 was very rich…with other people’s money. He’s in the state pen serving 25-to-life. I decided I wanted someone fun. Number 3 was the life of the party when we were dating, but he turned into a mean, nasty S.O.B. as soon as we said “I do.” I asked him what changed and he said, “Say hello to the real me.” After those disasters, I wanted to be taken care of and married #4. Turned out he thought I would be taking care of him. When I filed for bankruptcyhe said he was sorry for the misunderstanding. Imet #5 in the lawyer’s office when I was filling out the paperwork. He said,“I can take you away from all this.” Problem washe meant that literally, and we moved toa hundred acre ranch in Elephant Breath, Wyoming. Found out I’m not the cowgirl type. I finally figured I’d be better off by myself, and I was good with that for quite a long time. Then one day I was in Stop & Shop. I never liked my sister, so I decided to buy her a fruitcake for the holidays. Gabe was nearby browsing the gift baskets, you know,the ones with all the cashews and pecans and almonds? We caught each other’s eye and hit it off right away. He said, “I’m a nut and you’re a fruitcake! We belong together!”and I knew was the right man for me. We got married two months later, and for once I didn’t have to change my initials. That was almost 20 years ago, which with my track record isa major accomplishment. 12 CRYDER POINT COURIER | FEBRUARY 2017 | WWW.QUEENSCOURIER.COM CPC: What a great story. You know, Valentine’s Day can be hard for a lot of people. Any advice for the lovelorn? GVG: As someone wise once said, “Hang in there until February 15. Chocolates go on sale.” CPC: Good information. One more question. Are there any of your Valentine’s Day columns that stand out to you after all this time? GVG: Yes, as a matter of fact, one couple really stands out. I can send those columns to you and you can reprint them if you like. CPC: Thanks, Gabby, that would be great!And thanks for taking the time to talk to us. GVG: Sure, call anytime. And if you can think of a better title for my book, please let me know.My publisher isn’t thrilled. Here we present Gabby’s own hand-picked Valentine’s Day columns to share with you. ****************************** Dear Gabby, I know that most people write to you with their troubles, but I just had to share some good news with you. John and I were just married on Valentine’s Day and oh, it was so romantic! All of our friends and families were there, and I wore the most beautiful wedding gown. As I was walking down the aisle, I could see tears in John’seyes. And when I got to the altar he was so nervous his hands were shaking and there were beads of sweat on his brow. At the part where the minister said “as long as you both shall live,” he began to hyperventilate, and his knees began to buckle. Fortunately his best man caught him and he whispered, “Buck up, buddy, it’s only forever.”Johnbecameso overwhelmed with emotionhe fell to his knees, sobbing. And they say men aren’t sensitive! 12 C R Y D E R P O I N T FEBRUARY

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