Bright colors and Pop Art inspo are at play in Brooklyn. Brooklyn-based Dusen
Dusen for Areaware’s signature colorful striped face brightens the Everybody
Tissue Box Holder and Everybody Bin. Brooklyn artist James Rosa’s colorful
pencil drawings begin with found objects. Maison Balzac’s Grand Pauline, a
stack of colorful glass bubbles, holds a candle. An extinguished match on its
cover, “A Bright Ray of Darkness” by Brooklyn actor and novelist Ethan Hawke
explores fame and divorce. Costumed as a lime wedge, a bottle opener is made
of cast iron and hand painted. —Cate Corcoran
Clockwise from top left: Lime Wedge Bottle Opener available at; ‘Untitled,’ 2018 by James Rosa,
pencil on paper, image courtesy Land Gallery and League Education and Treatment Center; Everybody Tissue Box
Holder and Everybody Bin by Dusen Dusen for Areaware, photo by Lindsey Shorter; Grand Pauline Candleholder by
Maison Balzac, available at Beam in Williamsburg, photo courtesy of Maison Balzac; “A Bright Ray of Darkness” cover
image courtesy of Knopf.