

December Managing Your Stress During the Holidays Wednesday, 10:30 am Ingrid Hardin, LMSW | Don’t let stress limit your enjoyment of the holidays. Shake stress off with our helpful recommendations. JVL-Dimotsis-Vallone Senior Center at George T. Douris Tower, 27-40 Hoyt Avenue South, Astoria, 11102 Latest News in Women’s Health: What Every Woman Should Know Tuesday, 6 pm Bradley Safro, MD | Join Dr. Safro, Instructor, Obstetrics, Gynocology and Reproductive Science, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, as he discusses the latest methods and most effective gynecologic health screenings for women. George T. Douris Tower, 27-40 Hoyt Avenue South, 2nd Floor Community Room, Astoria, 11102 The Affordable Care Act and New York’s State of Health Wednesday, 6 pm Kathleen Shure, MPA | If you have questions about the Affordable Care Act and our state health benefit exchange/marketplace, where you will be able to choose an insurance provider, this information session is for you. George T. Douris Tower, 27-40 Hoyt Avenue South, 2nd Floor Community Room, Astoria, 11102 MOUNT S I N A I Q UEENS Free Health & Wellness Events Urgent Care vs. Emergency Room: Where to Go? Thursday, 6 pm Mark Kindschuh, MD | When faced with a medical problem that necessitates immediate care, it is often hard to assess whether it is truly an emergency, or an urgent medical issue. This lecture will help you understand that critical difference. Refreshments will be served. Avalon Riverview, Community Room, 2-01 50th Avenue, Long Island City, 11101 Healthy Holiday Eating Friday, 10:30 am Monika Saigal, RD | Learn how to make healthier food choices and improve your eating habits this holiday season. JVL-Dimotsis-Vallone Senior Center at George T. Douris Tower, 27-40 Hoyt Avenue South, Astoria, 11102 DECEMBER 2013 S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 1 2 13 14 15 16 71 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Visit mshq.org/events for information on Yoga Classes and Blood Pressure Screenings. Call 718-267-4333 to register for events and screenings. WALK-INS WELCOME! Some restrictions apply. Please see individual events. For a physician referral, call 800-YOUR-MDS or visit www.mshq.org/FAD MSQ Dec Cal_Boro 7x9.indd 1 12/2/13 4:01 PM

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