32 OCTOBER 2 0 1 8
Five executive chef Scheyla Acosta, a disciple
of the French Culinary Institute in Manhattan.
She spent the year prior to joining
For Five traveling the globe sourcing food
and recipes as the personal chef for a Kuwaiti
“I learned all about food in the kitchens of
my mother and grandmother in Barcelona,”
she explained while adding the final garnishes
to a halved lobster roll, marbled tail
and claw meat barely contained by the toasty
brioche bun underneath.
“I want you to bite into a dish and have that
moment from childhood — of warm cocoa
with a blanket by the fire, of walking in your
grandmother’s kitchen. We want to serve
simple and flavorful dishes from North Africa,
Asia, as well as European and American classics.
It’s my play on healthy home-cooking.
“To me, food should be sexy,” she continued.
“It should be as attractive to the eye as
to the palate."