46 MARCH 2 0 1 8
with the décor, food and drinks. They commissioned
about 50 pieces of artwork from
family and friends; Rabinovitch’s mother
provided the food; and Riccio designed
coasters of the couple’s faces as well as
original wine labels that they stuck to Trader
Joe’s bottles. The next day, they opened up
the space to the public as a free “art gallery.”
“We didn’t want to do anything traditional,”
Rabinovitch said. “We wanted to do
something different and very ‘us,’ so we put
a lot of effort into personalizing it. It was one
of the hardest projects we’ve ever done,
and to see it happen was just incredible.”
Many of the original pieces and knickknacks
from the wedding now decorate
their apartment. They complement the
antique pieces of furniture throughout the
space — an elegant mix of old and new.
The living room transports you back to
the Victorian era with an ornate, cranberrycolored
rug in the center. On top rests a vintage
wooden coffee table that the couple
scored from Craigslist.
“We’re super into going to antique stores,
thrifting, all that stuff,” Rabinovitch said.