must have sounded like a tree falling.” “It took me forever to figure out how I could actually use something that was about five times bigger than anything I’d ever seen before,” says the artist, laughing. “Lo and behold, I got the right leverage and was cranking out blankets like crazy. Eventually I found that I was living in a cave of woolen creations and figured I should probably try and sell some of it. Granted, the cave is still very much a part of my life, much to Chris’ chagrin.” “I find knitting to be very therapeutic,” Lisella says. “I have a hard time just sitting at home relaxing. Knitting allows me to be busy, but also meditate, watch a movie, or spend time with my roommates. I put so much importance on creation as a hobby. It allows you to set goals without stress or judgment.” “It gives me something to look forward to at night and a way to unwind,” she says. “Growing up, I went to a lot of dance class—that type of full-body meditative practice was really helpful to clear my mind. Oddly enough, this physical craft has promARCH 2016 I BOROMAG.COM I 21
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