deny they should be made fun of; the more you can because they are being ridiculous. Everybody needs to have that part of them that allows for that. In some ways doing stand up in NYC is pretty phenomenal, and in a lot of ways it’s pretty terrible. Depending on the night it can be really supportive, and you have other female comedians in the room. There’s this strange attitude towards us as women as these alien drop ins who are different, so that the white male comics are the default. That’s the mindset of the comedy world. That can be kind of depressing. There is the attitude that women are less funny, and frankly if you think that, you have a terrible sense of humor. My influences comedically? I like the old gals a lot. Joan Rivers, I can do a killer Joan Rivers. I was always influenced by strong, powerful, vivacious figures. Carol Burnett, Carol Channing, Lucille Ball. More recently I like bawdy women. For too long we have been too quiet so I like that we won’t shut up. I decided to write a book about drinking... my experiences with alcohol had developed in a way that ended up being dangerous. At the point I’m at now it turned into something sinister. I always used alcohol as a way to avoid problems and also as a way to figure things out. It got to a point where I was blacking out more and more and ending up in the hospital. It scared me and I had to make the decision to survive. There are certainly books written by women about alcoholism, but there is a lack of books about women in the middle of her life. Women in the prime of their life, artistic women… I feel like I have a unique story. I think this could really help women. We don’t talk about women having serious issues and blacking out and almost losing their good job. I also think we need to do it with a little bit of humor; the book is going to be about that. It’s really a book about searching, really a book about a woman figuring out who she is rather than who she should be. My advice to anyone wanting to be an actress, comedian or writer in NYC? I would say, don’t do it. Stay where you are, it’s much easier. Keep your feet planted and to focus better on what you want. I really think finding people who you trust is huge—forming a network that is safe. Being alone in this city is really hard." The Comedian novelist.
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