

Hier is an actress, comedian and aspiring novelist. "I think the first time I realized I was funny was when I was pretty young. My dad was a businessman that would have his coworkers and clients over.  I would make appearances and make little cracks and make the adults laugh.  In a way it was different than – oh look how cute she is, it was actually witty and observant. I think a lot of the wit came from my father. My dad and my granddad were always the life of the party; they were outspoken, loud, and silly. I’ve always been in tune 32 | BOROMAG.COM | JANUARY 2014 An Interview By Lizabeth Nieves and in touch with the absurdities of life, I remember feeling that strongly as a child. When I was 12, I went to school in Europe and decided right away that what I wanted to do was act. I tried out for a play and subsequently was cast as the lead, and then every play after that I was cast as the star.  After high school, I went right into Drama School in New York. After graduating from AMDA, right away I started auditioning and doing tons of off off Broadway all over the place for years. I started doing stand-up comedy in 2009- 2010. The acting was happening but not as frequently because I was in day job land, which is what you have to do to survive here.  I also wasn’t auditioning as stringently as I used to.  I joined a sketch group and started writing my own jokes and doing stand-up at open mics. I don’t think there’s anybody you can’t make fun of.  I truly believe that.  There are people I won’t make fun of, but I believe you can make fun of everyone. The more people THE ARTS

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