VICTORIA’S A magical lantern festival
tweet me @vschneps
On your mark, get set, go!
Th at’s what I did this
week as my children
Josh and Elizabeth opened the
World’s Fare tent at the Hello
Panda Festival, the largest light
festival in North America.
For the last few years, we have
run the LIC Flea and Food
Market on the summer weekends.
Th at led
to the World’s
Fare that my son
Josh conceived
the idea to feature
from around the
world and local
wine and beers.
Now running
each evening
until Jan. 26 in
the parking lot
of Citi Field
from 5 to 10
p.m., the Hello
Panda Festival
is an extraordinary
We have a heated tent in the
middle of the jaw-dropping,
unique, and sparkling 120 lantern
exhibits. Th ese are part of
the traditional Chinese art of
lantern making.
Th ere is a three-story high
Christmas tree, a menorah with
dreidels, enormous pandas,
dinosaurs and even a castle! I
felt I was in a magical place as I
walked around the massive festival
space, which covers 700,000
square feet!
Th e night of the press conference,
I experienced a delectable
tasting from the artisan doughnut
maker Steven Klein, CEO of
Dough. He excitedly brought me
to the front of a long line to sample
one of the dozens of unique
doughnuts he creates. Forget the
plain chocolate ones — I bit into
a cheesecake doughnut, igniting
my taste buds!
In the World’s Fare tent, there
are 40 unique food vendors surrounding
an enormous bar that
off ers local wines, liquor and
Th ere are also entertainment
tents with performers and art
exhibits, a holiday market and
even a ball pit for kids to jump
into! What fun!
So head over to Citi Field
and you, too, will fi nd the Hello
Panda light festival a unique and
magical place!
The enormous three-story high Christmas tree in the Citi Field
parking has a menorah display next to it.
A date with my granddaughters
Months ago, I bought tickets for the
legendary Radio City Christmas
Spectacular and planned on
bringing my oldest granddaughters to
see my favorite dancers in the world: the
My 10-year-old
Morgan, 8-year-old Addy
and I began our “date” at
the Sea Grill restaurant
overlooking Th e Rink at
Rockefeller Center. We
ate looking through huge
fl oor-to-ceiling glass windows
watching the skaters,
mostly novices, fl opping
on the ice, though
one professional twirling
her heart out. Th e real
star on ice was Santa
Claus, who skated with
many children around
the rink with a smile as
big as a full moon. When
he waved to us, the girls
giggled with joy!
We reluctantly left our
lunch ringside seats to venture over to the
girls’ “pig heaven” place, better known as
American Girl Place. Th e store moved
to a location just around the corner from
where the famous Christmas tree overlooks
the ice rink.
With Hanukkah approaching, we negotiated
for the girls to pick a doll, but
I would put it away until the holiday.
However, we found some accessories that I
allowed them to open when they got home.
Mission accomplished!
Both my granddaughters are dancers
who perform their hearts
out every year in dazzling
costumes, so I thought
they would adore meeting
one of the Rockettes
up close.
I had bought tickets to
the Backstage Tour of
the historic Radio City
Music Hall, the largest
performing space in the
world that was built in
1932 and recently renovated.
We found our way
to the Backdoor Entrance
and began our remarkable
visit with Timothy,
our passionate, knowledgeable
No matter how many
times I’ve been there and
seen the show, I am still
in awe of the dancers and their stamina,
talent and fl air, as well as the massive choreographed
We met on the tour one of the 36 iconic
Rockettes, who told us each girl must be
between 5’6” and 5’10” and rehearse endlessly
— six hours a day for six weeks —
to prepare.
Two numbers have been part of the show
since 1933: “Th e Parade of the Wooden
Soldiers” and “Living Nativity,” where
real camels and donkeys walk across the
We also learned that the tap dancers have
microphones in their heels to pick up the
sounds of the taps.
I was stunned by the digital technology
the company uses as the 3D glasses I wore
made me feel like Santa was coming over
my head in his sled!
Th e show never gets old because the performers
put their professionalism on full
display. It’s a performance (seen aft er the
tour) that I will never forget — nor will I
forget the joy on the faces of my girls!
Rosalia Bobe with
Elizabeth, Josh and I at the
Hello Panda Festival.
Addy, Morgan and
I at Sea Grill.
Addy and Morgan
with a Rockette.
Steven Klein with Rob
MacKay (QEDC).