holiday guide
Spruce up your guestroom for the holidays
Th e holidays are typically a time for
lots of merriment and cheer. Th ey also
oft en include an abundance of guests visiting
your home, which means it’s time to
get the guestroom ready for family and
friends who’ll be spending time with you
this season.
If sprucing up your guestroom induces
panic, fear not. Consider these easy tips
to help transform your guestroom into a
comfortable and restful retreat.
Clean and Clear
Th e fi rst step in creating a welcoming
get-away for guests is giving the room a
good cleaning and clearing out clutter. If
your guestroom has become a catch-all
for items you’ve been meaning to organize
throughout the year, the arrival of guests
(such as in-laws) can serve as the perfect
motivator to take care of the task. For a
painless approach, start the process a few
weeks in advance, devoting 15 minutes a
day to clutter-busting and cleaning. Make
sure you remember to leave room for
guests to unpack any luggage and free up
outlets for cell phone chargers and other
devices they may bring along.
Home is Where the Hairdryer Is
While fancy furniture and decor are
nice, a gracious guestroom is about hospitality
and anticipating the needs of your
guests. Th ink about useful necessities provided
in hotel rooms -a reading lamp
by the bed, extra hangers in the closet,
an alarm clock, fresh sheets and towels
and sometimes even a hair dryer. Th ese
are items you likely already own. Simply
add them to the guest bedroom or bathroom
to create a thoughtfully appointed
home away from home. To take it
up a notch, provide extra toiletries such
as toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo, soap
and other necessities in case your visitors
left something behind.
Comfort is King (or a
Queen or Twin)
Few things make guests feel more comfortable
and cared for than being able to get
a good night’s sleep, and that can start with
your mattress. Th e guestroom mattress is
oft en overlooked because you’re not the
one sleeping on it. Give the mattress a good
inspection. If it has lumps and bumps or is
more than 7 years old, it’s time to replace
it. For an easy solve, the sleep specialists at
a retailer like Mattress Firm can help you
fi nd the best mattress for your needs, and
the holidays can be a great time to catch
the best deals. Also remember to check the
pillows to ensure your guests don’t have to
endure any sleepless nights with fl at, lumpy
pillows that are past their prime.
Focus on Functional
Because your guests may not conform
to the same schedule as you, ensure the
early risers and night owls have things at
their disposal to stay occupied while others
are sleeping. Reading lights, a photo
frame that includes the Wi-Fi password so
your guests can easily connect their smart
devices, and a television in the room are
all accommodations that are typically universally
accepted. You may also consider
leaving coff ee and snack options in an
easily accessible location in the kitchen.
Thoughtful Touches Add Up
Take time to add some thoughtful yet
aff ordable touches to the room. Consider
a small vase of fresh fl owers, a scented
candle, some subtle holiday decorations
or even a few of your favorite magazines
and books. If you really want to wow your
guests, leave a small gift basket of snacks
along with a handwritten welcome note.
Find more tips for getting your guestroom
ready for holiday visitors at mattressfi
— Courtesy of Family Features