dragon boat
Your guide to great performances at the Dragon Boat Festival
Hong Kong Dragon Boat Festival Performances
Use this guide to make sure you don’t
miss anything happening on the Main
Stage this year:
Saturday, August 11
• 10:30 am - 11:00 am - Chinese Music
Ensemble of New York
Founded in 1961, the Chinese Music
Ensemble of New York has grown from
a few music lovers presenting Cantonese
traditional music to becoming the oldest
and largest Chinese orchestra in the
United States. Its present membership of
almost fi ft y musicians plays practically
every type of Chinese musical instrument.
Th eir performance features various traditional
Chinese instruments and a wide
variety of compositions, from ancient
Chinese to modern classical. www.chinesemusic.
• 11:00 am - 11:30 am - Marines Martial
Arts Team (Judo)
Marine Judo Team of the Marine Corps
Martial Arts Program consists of a belt
ranking system that begins at Tan Belt
and progresses up to 6th Degree Black
Belt. Each belt level consists of specifi c
techniques of the four components of the
physical discipline; Rifl e & Bayonet, Edged
Weapons, Weapons of Opportunity, and
Unarmed Combat. Techniques begin with
fundamentals and become more diffi cult
as each level is reached. In addition each
belt level has a corresponding number of
Mental and Character discipline requirements
that help develop the Warrior
Ethos in conjunction with the increased
levels of lethality.
• 11:30 am - 12:30 pm - Opening
Yee’s Hung Ga International Kung Fu
Association - Dragon dancing team welcomes
all and, together with invited dignitaries,
offi cially kick-off the 28th Annual
Hong Kong Dragon Boat Festival in New
• 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm - Echo Music Jam
Th e Echo Music Jam Band is a collaboration
between musicians in the Echo
music scene and talented local singers
that together, showcase the best of Pop,
Rock, Alternative, and Metal music. Th eir
audiences are always captivated on their
feet, never knowing who or what they can
expect to hear. Since forming, the band
believes in helping people discover and
share the talent they have within them, as
well as making sure everyone is having a
good time.
• 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm - New York Chinese
Cultural Center - Dance China NY
Dance China NY, the resident touring
company at the New York Chinese
Cultural Center, was founded in 1973 in
New York City’s Chinatown. Th eir dancers
include internationally-renowned artists
from performance stages and academies
throughout mainland China, Taiwan
and the U.S. Performing a vast range of
Chinese dance and Beijing opera styles,
Dance China NY transports audiences
to a world of colorful myths, historical
drama, and timeless beauty, weaving
a vibrant vision of China’s ancient
indigenous folk cultures. Noted for pieces
with powerful grace and contained elegance,
Dance China NY performs regularly
throughout the United States for
audiences of all ages. www.nychineseculturalcenter.
• 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm - Dance Entropy
Dance Entropy will present its
“Immeasurable/Measurable” show with
a jaunty hour of dance, off ering works
inspired by its surroundings and the Hong
Kong Dragon Boat festival. Th e audience’s
participation will go beyond observation.
Artistic Director Valerie Green will conduct
the audience to interact with the
work by describing impressions, and festival
fun facts, all of which will be incorporated
into the piece through dancers’
• 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm - NY Shaolin Temple
Kung Fu Association
Th is Shaolin Kung Fu team will entertain
the audience with its kung fu demonstration
fi lled with punches and kicks.
Sunday, August 12
• 10:30 am - 11:30 am - Marines Martial
Arts Team (Judo)
Marine Judo Team of the Marine Corps
Martial Arts Program consists of a belt
ranking system that begins at Tan Belt
and progresses up to 6th Degree Black
Belt. Each belt level consists of specifi c
techniques of the four components of the
physical discipline; Rifl e & Bayonet, Edged
Weapons, Weapons of Opportunity, and
Unarmed Combat. Techniques begin with
fundamentals and become more diffi cult
as each level is reached. In addition each
belt level has a corresponding number of
Mental and Character discipline requirements
that help develop the Warrior
Ethos in conjunction with the increased
levels of lethality.
• 11:00 am - 4:00 pm - Jonathan Kruk -
Master Storyteller
Jonathan has long enchanted children
with fi nger fables, story theater,
myths, medieval legends and the lore of
the Hudson River. A full-time storyteller
since 1989, he’s appeared at thousands
of schools, libraries, festivals, and historic
sites, many here in Queens. He will tell
Dragon Tales for children and families,
and story theater, featuring how dragon
boat racing started.
• 11:30 am - 12:30 pm - Mariachi Aguila
y Plata
Th is mariachi band from Mexico will
perform a number of entertaining and
upbeat songs including a special Chinese
song by the great Teresa Tang.
• 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm - CASYM Steel
Th e CASYM Steel Orchestra will entertain
and energize audiences with with
their electric performance and lively presence.
• 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm - GONG MUSIC
Culture and Entertainment
GONG MUSIC provides a dynamic
platform for Chinese musical performance
and education with the goal of
promoting Chinese traditional music
and developing modern elements in folk
music by using Chinese traditional musical
instruments to present the possibilities
of traditional arts past, present, and
future. Traditional and fusion pieces will
create a unique listening and viewing
experience for audiences.
• 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm - American Bolero
Dance Company
Founded in 1996 by dancer/choreographer
Gabriela Granados, American
Bolero Dance Company presents and preserves
various forms of Spanish dance and
music, including classical and Flamenco
styles. Hailed by the press as “exuberant”
and “electrifying”, the company returns
to HKDB Festival with a performance of
Live Flamenco. www.ambolero.com
• 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm - NY Shaolin Temple
Kung Fu Association
Th is Shaolin Kung Fu team will entertain
the audience with its kung fu demonstration
fi lled with punches and kicks.