How to protect yourself from 4 health concerns during travel
It’s the night before that long-awaited
vacation you’ve been planning. You’ve tripled
checked your suitcase, checked into
your fl ight and have notifi ed the bank of
your travel plans. Everything is ready to
go, but even the most experienced travelers
can’t predict the unexpected health
hiccups that might arise along the way.
Before heading off , keep in mind these
minor, but common, health concerns and
be sure to pack the right items to help protect
yourself and stay comfortable once
you arrive.
Motion sickness
Whether traveling by plane, train, car
or boat, sometimes just the slightest bit
of constant movement can trigger motion
sickness, suddenly making you feel queasy,
dizzy and nauseous. Typically, motion
sickness occurs when your senses receive
confusing signals from your environment.
Th e fi rst thing to do is stay calm, relax
and try to focus on something else, such
as counting backward from 100. Natural
remedies to provide relief include raw
ginger and mint, so bring along a pack
of fl avored teas or mint-fl avored chewing
gum to help soothe your symptoms.
Extended time sitting during long travel
days, sudden diet changes and destinations
that may have you further
away from the usual bathroom amenities
can all lead to backside discomfort
and the potential onset of hemorrhoids.
Pack Preparation H Rapid Relief Totables
Wipes with Lidocaine for portable pain
relief from hemorrhoids when you’re
on-the-go. Th e convenient and individually
wrapped wipes provide rapid numbing
relief, reduce swelling and are fl ushable,
making them a perfect, discrete item
to bring along to nip the issue in the bud.
It goes without saying that using sunscreen
to protect yourself from the sun’s
damaging rays is crucial. But let’s face it -
sometimes sunscreen application can be
spotty and reapplying every two hours can
fall by the wayside when having fun, which
can ultimately bring on a painful sunburn.
In addition to the sunscreen you already
had in your bag, be sure to pack a moisturizer
with aloe vera to help soothe skin and
ibuprofen to help reduce any swelling, redness
and discomfort caused by sunburn.
If your travel plans involve walking or
hiking long distances, you may experience
some blisters while on the move, as it
only takes a little friction and moisture for
them to pop up. Whether you’re climbing
a mountain solo or trekking through
an amusement park with the family, make
sure to pack adhesive bandages and extra
socks to help prevent and treat blisters.
Th e bandages can act as another layer of
skin, preventing the formation of blisters,
while extra socks can help reduce friction.
Planning ahead for these minor health
issues is as easy as tossing items in your
purse or bag. Vacation is supposed to be
fun, spontaneous and relaxing, but by
keeping these extra precautions in mind
before you leave, you ensure minor health
inconveniences don’t get in the way of
enjoyment during and aft er your trip.
For more information on hemorrhoid
relief, visit
Courtesy BPT