3 common triggers for elevated
vaginal pH and why it matters
Many women do not realize the vagina
is an ecosystem that requires a balanced
environment to remain healthy;
and events like menstruation, sex, and
hormonal changes can throw off that balance.
Th e result can be odor and discomfort,
according to Lauren Streicher, M.D.,
Medical Director of the Northwestern
Medicine Center for Sexual Medicine
and Menopause and Associate Clinical
Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at
Northwestern University.
Many women never have the benefi t
of a frank, open discussion about vaginal
health and the importance of maintaining
a healthy pH balance “down there.”
Healthy pH and benefi cial lactobacillus
are the keys to reducing the risk of vaginal
issues. pH refers to the vagina’s acidity
level. A vaginal pH of 3.5 - 4.5 indicates
that the vagina is populated by good bacteria
(lactobacilli) without overgrowth of the
bad bacteria that can cause odor and irritation
and an elevated pH means that the
healthy fl ora of the vagina may struggle to
survive, while harmful bacteria thrive.
Yet women experience many of the triggers
for elevated pH on a regular basis:
1. Period - Th e pH of blood is 7.4, which
is much more alkaline than normal vaginal
pH (3.5 - 4.5) which can lead to elevated
vaginal pH.
2. Sex - Semen has a pH of 7.1 to 8 and
can increase vaginal pH.
3. Hormones - Pregnancy, menopause
and your normal monthly cycle can cause
hormone changes that alter vaginal pH.
As Dr. Streicher points out in her blog,
When Your Vagina’s in a pHunk, to eliminate
vaginal odor and relieve discomfort,
women should know that oft en the
cause is unbalanced vaginal pH. RepHresh
Vaginal Gel, available without a prescription,
is specifi cally designed to bond to
the vaginal walls and provide long-lasting
support to maintain healthy vaginal pH
and eliminate odor.
By learning how to maintain a healthy
pH, women can maintain vaginal health
and help avoid any issues that could stem
from elevated pH.
Additionally, RepHresh Pro-B contains
the strains of probiotics that specifically
designed to promote vaginal health
to balance yeast and bacteria every day.
Pro-B contains Lactobacillus rhamnosus
GR-1â„¢ and Lactobacillus reuteri
RC-14â„¢, two clinically documented probiotic
lactobacilli specifi cally optimized
for vaginal health as opposed to a probiotic
or yogurt that supports immunity or
Taking control of pH means taking control
of the natural vaginal environment,
putting an end to unpleasant odor, discomfort
and itching.
Courtesy BPT