Bayside Tennis and
Racquets Club sold
for $12.25M
Despite local eff orts to save the Bayside Tennis
and Racquets Club (NSTRC), the historic athletic
center has reportedly been sold for $12.25 million.
According to public records, the Bayside Tennis
Corporation sold the property at 34-28 214th St. to
6118 Bayside LLC. Patch reported that the sale took
place on May 13, but the Offi ce of the City Register
did not publicize the information until May 30.
Records show that the business is located at 35-22
Linden Pl., Flushing. Th e Courier could not fi nd
other public information linked to the LLC.
Multiple sources confi rmed rumors of the tennis
club sale back in December 2018. Th e sources
shared that former club president George Pauliny
was looking to sell the property without the knowledge
of many vested club members.
Pauliny allegedly presented the plan to 11 offi cial
board members in September but the club president
instructed them to keep it a secret from the 37 vested
members of the over 100-year-old tennis club.
Th e club president and board members privy to
the plan compelled members to vote on a contract
they had draft ed, which resulted in a vote of 39 to 9
in favor of the sale.
Jenna Bagcal
Rehab center helps
Bayside couple tie knot
Bayside couple Nicole Hartstein-Guida and
Edward Guida knew they wanted a special person
present when they said “I do.”
Th at person happened to be Harstein-Guida’s
mother Jane Hartstein, who is currently a patient at
the Gurwin Jewish Nursing & Rehabilitation Center
in Commack, Long Island.
Hartstein has been on a ventilator following a
stroke more than three years ago and the couple
realized she could not make the trip to their wedding
venue in New Jersey. So they decided to bring
the festivities to her.
Th e couple’s relationship began eight years ago
and Guida knew his then-fi ancée wanted her mother
at their wedding.
“I just want Nicole to be happy, and I want her
mom to be happy, too. We knew we wanted to do
this,” Guida said.
Prior to their offi cial ceremony on May 26, the
Gurwin staff decked out the family room on the
respiratory care unit with twinkle lights, a chuppa
(a canopy traditionally used in Jewish weddings),
“Mr. & Mrs.” signs and tulle. Th e staff even created
a makeshift aisle outside of the family room.
“I can’t believe this,” Hartstein said when she was
wheeled into the decorated family room on the unit.
“I’m just so happy. I can’t believe they did this.”
“I know you wanted to be at our wedding, so we’re
bringing our wedding to you,” Hartstein-Guida said
as mother and daughter wiped away tears of happiness.
Staff and residents watched as Hartstein-Guida’s
uncle James Jacobs escorted her down the aisle
while “A Th ousand Years” by Christina Perry played
in the background.
A small group of family, a priest and a rabbi
received the couple in the family room as they
kissed and solidifi ed their lifelong commitment to
each other.
Th e couple then had their offi cial ceremony at the
West Mountain Country Club in Woodland Park,
New Jersey. Th ey live-streamed the ceremony for
Hartstein on her TV at Gurwin.
Jenna Bagcal
Courtesy of MinKwon Center via Twitter
Queens group and pols demand Green Light Bill gets vote
Community leaders were joined by
elected offi cials and faith-based organizations
on June 7 urging the state
Legislature to take action and pass
the Green Light Bill that would allow
all people, regardless of their documentation
status, to access a driver’s
Th e Green Light Bill would impact
over 754,000 undocumented immigrants
in New York state, ensuring
all drivers will be properly tested and
insured. Advocates of the legislation
say it will prevent families from being
unfairly split apart when undocumented
drivers are stopped on their
way to work or dropping their children
to school.
At a press conference by Queens
Library in Flushing at 41-17 Main
St., John Park, executive director of
the MinKwon Center for Community
Center, said allowing driver’s licenses
for all is a win-win for all New
“It already exists in a dozen states
and that number and momentum
continues to grow because people
understand it’s the right thing to do,”
said Park. “Th e only thing that could
torpedo the bill is if Senate leaders,
like Deputy Majority Leader Michael
Gianaris in Queens, do not do what
they must to ensure it gets on the
Senate fl oor for a vote. Some representatives
are afraid to have to vote on
this bill, because it reveals what they
are willing to sacrifi ce, or not sacrifi
ce, to do the right thing. If our representatives
do not do what they must
to represent all immigrants, then they
don’t get to be allowed to be our representative.”
If the bill is passed before the legislative
session ends on June 19, New
York will be the 13th state to issue
driver’s licenses to undocumented
Twelve states and the District of
Columbia enacted laws to allow
unauthorized immigrants to obtain
a driver’s license. Th ese states —
California, Colorado, Connecticut,
Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland,
Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, Vermont
and Washington—issue a license if an
applicant provides certain documentation,
such as a foreign birth certifi -
cate, a foreign passport, or a consular
card and evidence of current residency
in the state.
“Faith in New York, stands in solidarity
with our immigrant sisters
and brothers who stand in the gap
of a moral crisis in the nation,” said
Crystal Walthall, interim executive
director at Faith in New York, an
interfaith federation of congregations
building power in faith institutions
through social justice and community
organizing for a just New York.
“Driver’s licenses were available to
all residents of New York until 2002
and it is time to restore this right to
all New Yorkers regardless of their
immigration status.”
Assemblywoman Catalina Cruz,
who represents District 39 which
includes the neighborhoods of
Corona, Elmhurst and Jackson
Heights, where driver’s licenses for all
profoundly impacts her constituents,
singled out New York as one of the
only liberal states that does not provide
immigrants with the ability to
obtain a driver’s license.
“Th ere are an estimated 570,000
undocumented immigrants living
within the fi ve boroughs of New York
City, “ said Cruz. “Not only does issuing
licenses for those who are eligible
to drive give people the opportunity
for economic growth and opportunity,
issuing licenses to undocumented
immigrants is a fi scally and socially
sound decision for all members of
our community.”
According to Cruz, driver’s licenses
for all means vast improvements
to road safety, lower auto insurance
premiums, and generated revenue for
both the DMV and MTA.
“It would create a massive boost
to the auto industry, including sales,
vehicle taxes, gas taxes and registration
and insurance fees paid directly
to the state,” said Cruz.
Meanwhile, a Siena College poll
revealed that 53 percent of New
Yorkers are opposed to providing
driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants.
Republican opponents of the bill say
that the proposal would reward violations
of federal immigration law
and create openings for voter fraud,
according to City and State.
A sponsor of the Green Light driver’s
license legislation since it was fi rst
proposed in 2009, state Sen. Toby
Ann Stavisky said it’s now time to pass
the bill with a Democratic majority in
the New York State Senate.
“Undocumented individuals will
be given an opportunity to obtain
both driver’s license and a car insurance,
allowing them to pay into a
system that will make both drivers
and pedestrians safer,” said Stavisky.
“People oft en need vehicles to get to
their jobs, school or appointments.
Increasing the insurance pool will
keep costs low for everyone. Th e
economy will benefi t, as will safety.”
State Sen. Michael Gianaris said
driver’s licenses for all would be a fair
and smart policy for New York.
“I wholeheartedly support this proposal
and encourage all my colleagues
to get behind this proposal before the
legislative session ends,” said Gianaris.