Photo courtesy of Tom Grimaldi
Jamaica lacrosse team earns spot in semifi nals
With a mix of veteran players and
in the Bronx, having put up a great fi ght
new recruits, the Jamaica High School
Th e Jamaica Beavers fi nished the regular
throughout the season.
Beavers started the 2018 lacrosse season
season with a 7-4 record, landing them
Four of the team’s players received
with everything they’ve got.
a spot in the NYC Division A playoff s.
NYC honors for their work this season.
While their expectations ran high, the
During the fi rst round of the playoff s,
Joban Preet, a two-year varsity captain,
Jamaica Beavers’ season got off to a rocky
the Jamaica Beavers squared off against the
earned 1st Team All-Division honors
start because games that were postponed
James Madison High School Knights in
aft er notching over 100 saves. Senior
due to weather. Aft er fi nally starting off
Brooklyn. Th e Beavers took home the victory
attackmen Eric Khaimov also earned
their own season with a 0-3 record, the
with a score of 5-4, taking them to the semifi -
1st Team All-Division honors, fi nishing
Beavers secured their fi rst win against
nals, where they would face the Blue Steel of
the season with 20 goals, nine assists
Staten Island’s Port Richmond High
Christopher High School in the Bronx.
and 83 ground-balls. Senior midfi elder
School, which began a seven-game winning
Th e Beavers’ season ultimately ended
Damien Singh earned 2nd Team All-
Division honors putting up 23 goals and
93 ground-balls. Lastly, senior attackmen
Gurwinder Singh earned 2nd Team All-
Division honors aft er fi nishing with 21
goals and six assists.
Th e coaches, two of whom are Jamaica
Beaver alumni, are inspired by the players’
commitment and love for the game.
Day in and day out, the team represented
the sport of lacrosse and Jamaica High
School with grace and class, whether it
was in victory or defeat.
Queens Predators cap a championship season
Th e Queens Predators FC 04
of the Metrokids Interregional
Soccer League (MIRSL) won the
Boys-Under-14 Eastern New York
Premier League (ENYPL) title this
spring with a 7-0-1 record, scoring
19 goals and giving up only 4.
“We are a young and small club,
less than two years old but with
the desire to continue growing and
for us it is with great pride to be
able to win this championship,”
explained coach Alberto Entivero.
“Our unity and camaraderie are
very important, that we all have
the same goal to prepare ourselves
physically and mentally for the
challenges of the ENYPL competition.
We all work as a team to push
the boys to be the best they can be.”
The Predators won the
MIRSL titles in fall 2016 and
spring 2017; they also captured
Pennsylvania’s FC Europa Turf
Cup and the Washingtonville
Harvest Cup last year, and earlier
this year, they took the Metrokids
and the HonduBronx Indoor
“Support is also very important,
not just from the coaching staff but
from the team families as a whole.
We are not just a team, but a family
and that is a big key to our success,”
Entiveri added.
Th e ENYPL is the oldest continuous
Premier League in the
United States and is playing in
its 18th year in 2018. Under the
direction of ENYPL Chairperson
Andreas Touros, teams from eight
member leagues from all over the
Eastern New York Youth Soccer
Association (ENYYSA) formed
the ENYPL for the 2018 Spring
For more information, log on
to enysoccer.com, which receives
nearly 300,000 hits annually from
the growing soccer community. Photo courtesy of the Queens Predators