Photos by Dean Moses
Thousands of ‘Game of Thrones’ fans wait
for hours to sit in Iron Throne in Fort Totten
entry to see the throne ran from 7 a.m.
accompanying hint on their Twitter
to 7 p.m., while last line admittance was
account which read, “A new city fl ying a
5 p.m. But on Sunday, March 31, organizers
starry banner seeks protection from the
from the Game of Th rones Twitter
Great War. How far will you go.”
Th ousands of Game of Th rones fans
account informed fans that the line for the
Joaquin reportedly hopped on a bus
fl ocked to Fort Totten last weekend for
Th rone of the Crypt was closed at 9:42 a.m.
and found the throne at Fort Totten 10
the chance to sit on the Iron Th rone
News from the Citadel. Due to a very
minutes aft er seeing the cryptic clue on
just days aft er Queens resident Melanie
high turnout at Fort Totten this morning,
Th ursday, March 28.
Joaquin found the Th rone of the Crypt.
the line for the #Th roneoft heCrypt is now
According to a written report, the
Many who visited the Bayside park
closed. To ensure everyone in line makes
22-year-old Queens resident immediately
dressed as Jon Snow, Daenerys Targaryen
it to the Th rone safely, we cannot admit
knew where the throne was once she
and Cersei Lannister, while some took
any more people today.
saw the hint posted on the show’s Twitter
their role-playing to the next level with
— Game of Thrones (@
swords and stuff ed dragons.
GameOfTh rones) March 31, 2019
“I knew exactly where it was because
Fans reported waiting for fi ve to eight
As part of the “Quest for the Th rone”
every year the park has a haunted house
hours before gaining entry into Fort
promotional contest for the show’s eighth
and it’s in that battery,” Joaquin the Daily
Totten Park’s Torpedo Battery for a
and fi nal season, HBO hid six thrones
photo op.
worldwide for fans to go and fi nd. On
Th e Game of Th rones fan said that
According to a sign posted at the Fort,
March 28, HBO published a photo and
she had just fi nished binge-watching the
show in preparation for the eighth and
fi nal season coming on April 14.
“Quest For Th e Th rone honors the distances
traveled by characters in the show,
and as the host of the world premiere,
we felt it was only fi tting to end this epic
quest in New York,” said HBO in a statement.
“Fort Totten Torpedo Battery in
Queens was selected because of its dark
and ominous setting, reminiscent of the
basement of King’s Landing, where the
Mad King stored his destructive wildfi re,
and where Queen Cersei waged to destroy
the Great Sept of Baelor.”
April 1 was the last day for fans to get
the chance to sit on the only Iron Th rone
in the United States. HBO hid the other
fi ve in England, Spain, Sweden, Canada
and Brazil.