As Sales Tax Deadline approaches,
call center hours will be extended
Th e New York State Department of
dollar amount for those returns will likely
update business information.”
Taxation and Finance on announced on
exceed $650 million.
Taxpayers with questions can also call
Th ursday, March 15 that it will extend
Acting Commissioner of Taxation and
518-485-2889 for help in fi ling their
the hours of its call center on Tuesday,
Finance Nonie Manion urged fi lers not to
March 20, to assist taxpayers fi ling sales
wait until the last minute to fi le their sales
tax returns before the midnight deadline.
tax returns.
Wireless Communications
Th e call center, which opens weekdays at
“Filing guidance and answers to common
8:30 a.m., will have representatives will
questions are available on our website
Tuesday, March 20 is also the deadline
be available until 7:30 p.m., an additional
to help you electronically submit an
for certain retailers to fi le their initial
three hours.
accurate and timely return using Sales Tax
Prepaid Wireless Communications
Th e Tax Department expects about
Web File ahead of next week’s deadline,”
170,000 sales tax returns to be fi led
Acting Commissioner Manion said. “Th is
between Monday, March 19, and the
online service allows you to schedule payments,
Tuesday, March 20, deadline, with several
save bank account information for
thousand submitted within only a few
future payments, receive instant confi rmation
hours of the midnight deadline. Th e total
that your return was received, and
Surcharge return using Form WCS-2-PRE.
Th e surcharge is imposed on each retail sale
of prepaid wireless services that occurs in
New York State, regardless of whether any
tangible personal property is sold. Th e sale
occurs in New York State if it takes place at
a seller’s business location in this state, or
is made to a purchaser located in this state.
Call center representatives will be available
until 7:30 p.m. on March 20 to assist
taxpayers as they fi le and submit Form
WCS-2-PRE for the fi rst time. Taxpayers
with questions can call 518-591-5283 for
help in fi ling these returns.
Retail sales of prepaid wireless services
are subject to both the state surcharge and
a local surcharge, unless the locality where
the sale occurred has not enacted a local
surcharge. For surcharge rate information,
see PUB-452, Wireless Communications
Surcharge Rates on Prepaid Wireless
Communications Services.
tax tips