Catholic High Schools
‘Futures in Education’ builds road to success for Catholic school students
For many families across Brooklyn
and Queens, sending their children to
a Catholic grammar school may be an
impossible task because they have low
incomes and cannot aff ord the yearly tuition,
which runs into thousands of dollars
Th at’s where Futures in Education
comes in.
Th e nonprofi t organization operated
by the Diocese of Brooklyn and Queens
holds all kinds of fundraisers each year
to help parents across the diocese aff ord
a Catholic education for their children.
Futures in Education also establishes partnership
with private donors and organizations
to enable schools to have updated
curriculums and the proper tools needed
to educate their students, and to assist
teachers in refi ning their craft through
training programs.
Th ere are a litany of ways private donors
can contribute to Catholic education
through the Futures in Education.
One way is the “Be an Angel to a Student”
Program, in which an individual can help
cover the cost of a Catholic school student’s
tuition every year starting at $1,500.
Angels also get to know the students they
are helping by exchanging notes, cards
and drawings; all Angels receive progress
reports on how they’re students are performing
in class.
Each Angel gets to meet their students
at the Angel Reception, an annual celebration
held by Futures in Education. Th e
Angels are also invited to attend school
plays, recitals and graduation ceremonies.
“We continue to be hard at work ensuring
that every deserving family requesting
fi nancial tuition assistance receives it
through our Be an Angel to a Student and
other scholarship programs,” Msgr. Jamie
Gigantiello, vicar for development for the
Diocese of Brooklyn, said in a December
2016 letter. “However, it is not enough
to look back on only the successes of the
year. Instead, we must also focus on those
students who we were unable to assist and
fi nd additional donors willing to join us in
support of this cause.”
During the 2015-16 school year, Futures
in Education doled out more than $7 million
in scholarships to 4,873 students. Th e
median annual household income of their
scholarship recipients is $28,000, with 31%
of families living at or below the poverty
Futures in Education also works to connect
Catholic grammar school alumni
Photo via Facebook/Futures in Education
with their alma maters, and young executives
to schools around the diocese, to
further increase support for Catholic education.
Individual donations of any amount, as
always, are also accepted.
To learn more about the Futures in
Education program, or to contribute to the
cause, visit
Make a diff erence by teaching at local Catholic schools
Th e Catholic elementary academies and
schools within the Diocese of Brooklyn
educate about 30,000 students in 86 academies
and schools. Since 1853, they can
be heard saying “we teach, we learn, we
Th e Offi ce of the Superintendent of
Schools-Catholic School Support Services
continue to seek qualifi ed and committed
Catholic educators to advance the mission
of Catholic schools and academies.
Candidates for administrative positions
must meet the following qualifi cations:
• be a practicing Roman Catholic committed
to the mission of Catholic education;
• have 5 years successful teaching in a
Catholic, private or public school setting;
• have a Master’s Degree conferred by a
college or university registered by the
New York State Board of Regents or
accredited by an appropriate regional
accrediting agency;
• have New York State certifi cation in
School Administration and Supervision
or the equivalent; and
• have an Initial Certifi cate of Faith
Formation or be eligible to begin such
certifi cation upon employment.
Candidates for teaching positions must
meet the following qualifi cations:
• be a practicing Roman Catholic committed
to the mission of Catholic education;
• have a Bachelor’s Degree or higher; and
• hold a valid New York State Certifi cation
or be eligible for certifi cation.
for more information and to apply.
Aft er an initial review, qualifi ed candidates
will be notifi ed for screening interviews.