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3 • TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2014 ‘QUEENSWAY’ GETS MORE $ Another State Grant For Controversial Plan by Anthony Giudice The controversial QueensWay project took a major step forward last Friday, Dec. 12, when the Trust for Public Land (TPL) and Friends of the QueensWay announced that they received a $443,750 award through the New York City Regional Economic Development Council (REDC) for further study and developmnt of the linear park plan. This is the second award the project received from the New York City REDC; the first one helped fund the QueensWay feasibility planning study. “This vital grant brings us one step closer to making the QueensWay a reality,” said Rep. Joseph Crowley. He stated his belief that it is important to build “a unique park in our borough that will not only provide great health and environmental benefits to the surrounding communities but also the potential to spur significant economic growth in the area.” The QueensWay project would transform a 3.5-mile section of the abandoned Rockaway Beach branch of the Long Island Rail Road (LIRR) into an elevated pedestrian and bicycle pathway. The project will provide recreation areas, alternative commuting and public green spaces. The elevated railway will connect the communities of Rego Park, Forest Hills, Richmond Hill, Glendale, Woodhaven and Ozone Park. The money awarded from this grant will be used to design the “Northern Gateway” section of -SEE QUEENSWAY ON PG. 60- E-Waste Ban Takes Effect This January Take Advantage Of Recycling Pgms. by Robert Pozarycki Come New Year’s Day, New Yorkers will be prohibited from including most high-tech electronic devices with their regular household trash. According to the Sanitation Department (DSNY) and the state Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), the ban that takes effect on Jan. 1, 2015 is part of the NYS Electronic Equipment Recycling and Reuse Act that became law last year. The prohibition reportedly aims to keep electronic items known to contain heavy metals and other hazardous materials out of the regular wastestream— which is either burned or placed in landfills and may, in the process, cause second-hand air and soil pollution. The banned items include computers and related accessories, televisions, fax machines, VCRs, DVD players, printers/scanners, video game consoles, MP3 players, computer tablets and small servers. Residents are advised to drop them off at designated collection sites or arrange to have them privately and safely collected. Batteries, light bulbs and traditional household appliances, however, are exempt from the law and may be included with regular garbage. “This new law will help keep electronics and their potentially harmful components out of our -SEE E-WASTE ON PG. 58- Local Cops Serve Family Holiday Fun In Ridgewood Hoping to spread some good cheer with the community it serves, the 104th Precinct welcomed residents of all ages to its Ridgewood stationhouse last Saturday, Dec. 13, for a holiday celebration that the officers organized. Capt. Christopher Manson, commander of the 104th Precinct, arranged for Santa Claus to drop by for a photo session with youngsters, who also got to enjoy a petting zoo set up in the precinct garage. (photos: Marcin Zurawicz) Here’s A Glimpse Of What’s In This Week’s Times Newsweekly... LOCAL NEWS HIGHLIGHTS MMAASSPPEETTHH:: MMaasskkeedd,, AArrmmeedd BBaannddiittss SStteeaall BBuussiinneessss CCaasshh...........Pg. 1 MMIIDDDDLLEE VVIILLLLAAGGEE:: BBooaarrdd 55 TTaakkeess CChhaannccee OOnn RRiiddggeewwoooodd BBaarr...Pg. 1 OZONE PARK: 106th Precinct Talks Burglaries, Rob Pattern.......Pg. 1 RRIIDDGGEEWWOOOODD:: II..SS.. 7777 CChhoorruuss IInn ‘‘HHaalllleelluujjaahh PPrroojjeecctt’’......Photo, Pg. 1 WOODHAVEN: Santa & Friends At Photo Shoot...........Photo, Pg. 1 RIDGEWOOD: 104th Precinct Hosts Holiday Event.......Photos, Pg. 3 MMIIDDDDLLEE VVIILLLLAAGGEE:: PPooll CCaallllss HHoommeelleessss SSiittuuaattiioonn AA ‘‘DDiissaasstteerr’’......Pg. 6 ELMHURST: Say Pan Am Shelter Is Filled With Problems...........Pg. 6 GLENDALE: Six Injured In Three-Vehicle Crash..............Photo, Pg. 6 KEW GARDENS: DSNY Talks Snow Removal With Board 6......Pg. 8 RRIIDDGGEEWWOOOODD//FFLLUUSSHHIINNGG:: QQ5588 WWiinnss PPookkeeyy AAwwaarrdd AAggaaiinn......Pg. 8 MIDDLE VILLAGE: SUV Flips Out On Black Ice..............Photo, Pg. 8 CORONA: 110th Precinct Throws Christmas Party...................Pg. 10 OZONE PARK: Touting Success Of Graffiti Cleanup Pgm........Pg. 11 SSUUNNNNYYSSIIDDEE:: GGoooodd TTiiddiinnggss AAtt 110088tthh PPcctt.. PPaarrttyy.............Photo, Pg. 11 WOODHAVEN: Christmas Cheer At Veterans Post.......Photo, Pg. 12 KEW GARDENS: City Wraps Up Water Main Upgrade..........Pg. 14 RIDGEWOOD: Local Interns Connect To Success............Photo, Pg. 17 MIDDLE VILLAGE: Civilians Help Stop Groping Suspect.............Pg. 19 GLENDALE: Local Author Taps Into Neighborhood History.........Pg. 21 WOODSIDE: Pizza Party For UNICEF Fund-Raisers..........Photo, Pg. 21 RIDGEWOOD/MIDDLE VILLAGE: Christmas Concerts....Photos, Pg. 24 ELMHURST: St. Adalbert’s Host Greccio Service.............Photo, Pg. 29 RIDGEWOOD: Winter Fun At Local YMCA.....................Photo, Pg. 32 REGIONAL NEWS HIGHLIGHTS QQuueeeennssWWaayy PPrrooppoonneennttss GGeett AAnnootthheerr SSttaattee GGrraanntt.........................Pg. 3 EE--WWaassttee TTrraasshh BBaann TTaakkeess EEffffeecctt OOnn NNeeww YYeeaarr’’ss DDaayy.....................Pg. 3 HHoolliiddaayy CChhaannggeess TToo TTiimmeess DDeeaaddlliinneess && PPuubblliiccaattiioonn DDaatteess.............Pg. 4 SSaayy PPiizzzzaa FFrraanncchhiissee OOwwnneerr DDiiddnn’’tt DDeelliivveerr PPrrooppeerr WWaaggeess.............Pg. 5 State Committee Urged To Reinstate Rental Subsidies...................Pg. 6 CCiittyy MMoovveess FFoorrwwaarrdd WWiitthh FFrreeee WWii--FFii NNeettwwoorrkk.............................Pg. 9 Fire Department Urged To Recruit & Hire More Women.............Pg. 12 Change Of Operating Hours Coming To Queens Libraries..........Pg. 37 COLUMNS & LISTINGS My Say...........................Pg. 4 Ben Carson......................Pg. 4 104th Precinct Blotter.....Pg. 11 Transit & Traffic News.....Pg. 20 It’s In Queens!...............Pg. 22 Community Calendar.....Pg. 22 Crossword & Sudoku......Pg. 22 TV Listings.....................Pg. 23 The Old Timer................Pg. 25 Social Security News.....Pg. 37 Sports...........................Pg. 67 SUBSCRIBE TO THE TIMES NEWSWEEKLY! SEE PAGE 13 FFoollooww TThhee TTiimmeess NNeewwsswweeeekkllyy OOnn TTwwitttteerr ((@@ttimmeessnneewwsswweeeekklyy)) FFoorr BBrreeaakkinngg NNeewwss AAnndd IInnffoorrmmaattioonn!!

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