

30 times • DECEMBER 10, 2015 FOR BREAKING NEWS VISIT 54 The Queens Courier • buzz • DECEMBER 10, 2015 for breaking news visit victoria’s secrets VICTORIA SCHNEPS-YUNIS [email protected] tweet me @vschneps My window into China Anyone who read my last few columns knows how much I enjoyed my two weeks in China where, besides making new friends, I was in awe of the energized environments I saw, with cranes on every corner creating both residential and commercial buildings. One of the highlights of my trip was visiting the artist Wenji Zhang who had donated 40 of her sculptures to the Queensborough Community College art gallery. Thanks to our mutual friend Charles Wang, I got to visit with her at her studio in a suburb of Guangzhou. We drove from the center of the city to her large riverside workrooms where she produces her sculptures, ceramics, woodwork, paintings, silk scarves and enamel bracelets. Here are some of my favorite scenes from that trip. John Lam (right) from the Lam Hotel Group at a meeting with Chinese hotel owners in Shenzhen The artist Wenji Zhang at her riverside studio in Guangzhou We were entertained by talented Mongolian musicians accompanying the dancers A girl selling a hoverboard at the five-story Louela market in Shenzhen, which is within view of Hong Kong The food was not only delicious, but beautifully presented High style on the Metro One of the Mongolian dancers offered an aromatic whiskey-like drink to all of us at the dinner The Metro stations all have glass moving walls I ordered clothes for Josh and me from the tailor in one of the stalls in the Louela market I broke a tooth in Guangzhou and the French dentist put it together again and it ‘s still holding! Dynamic for all the news 24 $1000 hours,off Lumineers 7 days $500 a off week Invisalign DENTAL go WORK to www.timesnewsweekly.Free Whitening included the inViSiBle WAy to Some excluSionS Apply third generation dentist com StrAighten teeth 175-15 Jamaica avenue, Jamaica 718-297-4100 • 718-297-4106

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