FEATURES Times Newsweekly Community Profiles • Local History • Nightlife • Food Reviews • Neighborhood Events And Memories by Noah Zuss The upcoming fifth edition of the Newtown Literary Journal will be published this December, and a community fundraising event to support the publication will be held in Astoria on Monday, Nov. 10, it was announced. The journal is for first time writers, established wordsmiths and anyone interested in authors from Queens. The semi-annual publication prints fiction, creative writing, essays and poetry “that go beyond entertainment and storytelling,” according to its website. Founder and editor Tim Frederick is a short story writer that has lived in several neighborhoods in Queens. Frederick helped found the journal to highlight borough writers, he told the Times Newsweekly in an interview last Friday. “Our goal is to support and promote the work of Queens writers,” Frederick said. “I thought it would be great to highlight and publish Queensbased writers,” he said. “Literary work, literary writing is not that something that people associate as coming from Queens,” he said. But that’s changing. People are starting to recognize that Queens is a literary borough.” Frederick has been published in literary journals and is finalizing a collection of his work that he hopes to have published, he added The journal was begun in 2011 when Frederick was attending a lot of reading series and getting to know writers in the borough. The journal is funded by 19 • TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2014 Journal’s Focus On Qns. Writers -SEE TRIVIA ON PG. 56- Saturday Is Dutch Colonial Day At Onderdonk House This Saturday, Nov. 8, at 2 p.m., the Greater Ridgewood Historical Society (GRHS) will host Dutch Colonial Day at the Onderdonk House. The GRHS will be conducting tours and offering colonial crafts for children and adults. As detailed in the NYC Landmarks Preservation Commission Report in 1995, the Onderdonk House is “a rare surviving late-eighteenth century Dutch American farmhouse in the Borough of Queens, as well as one of the few houses of eighteenth century stone construction in New York City. In particular, it is one of the city’s very few eighteenthcentury Dutch-American stone houses with a gambrel roof. It has associations with many early and interrelated families of settlers, mostly Dutch, of western Long Island.” Visitors can view the gambrel roof, stone walls, “Dutch” doors with “cross and bible”, wooden shutters, wooden shingled roof, chimneys and fireplaces, restored colonial kitchen and interior wooden framing and permanent exhibit on lathe and plaster construction. After the tour, guests can view the current exhibits, “Nathanial Woodhull and the Battle of Brooklyn” as well as the Onderdonk Archeology exhibit, including artifacts found onsite during the late 1970s. Crafting and other activities include a history scavenger hunt, writing with quill pens, simulated wampum jewelry and for a special treat we will be making and serving donuts with a modern twist! The Onderdonk House, located at 1820 Flushing Ave. in Ridgewood, is open to the public on Saturdays during the winter, Festive Fall Event At Ridgewood H.S. Tricks and treats were in store for children of all ages attending Grover Cleveland High School’s annual fall festival last Thursday, Oct. 30, at the Ridgewood campus. The festivities included face painting, a haunted house, refreshments, arts and crafts and various games. Prize baskets were also raffled off. Some of the students along with Principal Denise Vittor are pictured above. (photo: Marcin Zurawicz) Assemblyman Mike Miller attended the Richmond Hill South Civic Association (RHSCA) meeting at the Knights of Columbus Hall at 135-45 Lefferts Blvd. last Thursday, Oct. 23. This month's meeting was a dinner party celebration in recognition of $2 million worth of clipped coupons which are used to support area troops’ families overseas. Miller is pictured with RHSCA members and Margaret Finnerty, RHSCA president. SUPPORTING OUR TROOPS MEANS MORE THAN WAVING FLAGS. HHeellpp RReettuurrnniinngg SSoollddiieerrss BByy DDoonnaattiinngg TToo VVeetteerraannss OOrrggaanniizzaattiioonnss.. TTrriivviiaa NNiigghhtt TToo SSuuppppoorrtt GGrroouupp News Raising Money To Fight Breast Cancer From The GRHS The Greater Ridgewood Historical Society -SEE GRHS ON PG. 56-
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