FIXING RDS. FOR KIDS School Safety Report, a total of 82 accidents occurred within a 700-foot radius of P.S. 239 between 2005-07. Of the 82 accidents, 25 involved pedestrians, and four were school-related. “Our goal is to improve the intersections students use to and from school,” Menzer explained. Some of these improvements include “neckdowns” or concrete curb extensions. “The neckdowns shorten crossing distance for pedestrians, help slow down turning vehicles and provide extra space for pedestrians waiting to cross the intersections,” he added. Menzer suggested a curb extension or neckdown for the intersection of Myrtle and Cypress avenues at Cornelia Street. He also proposed the creation of a larger concrete bus pad as well as the extension of the Carl Clemens Triangle, at the same intersection. Other proposals include a “double neckdown” at the corner of Catalpa Avenue between Myrtle and Seneca avenues. Menzer also suggested a curb extension in front of the school itself, at the southeast corner of 3 • TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2014 ‘Safe School’ Project Tops CB 5 Transit Meet by Kelly Marie Mancuso Safety measures at local schools, railway crossings and construction sites topped the agenda at Community Board 5’s Transportation and Public Transit Committees meeting last Tuesday, Oct. 28, at the board’s Glendale office. Joseph Menzer, civil engineer introduced in 2001 by the and project manager with the Department of Transportation urban planning and design firm (DOT) in an effort to reduce RBA Group, unveiled a proposal pedestrian injuries at city schools to improve student safety around with the highest accident rates. P.S. 239, the P.O. Ramon Suarez During the first phase of the School, located at 1715 Weirfield project, the DOT ranked the city’s St. in Ridgewood. nearly 1,450 public schools and Menzer’s suggested designated the top 135 schools improvements are part of the Safe with the most pedestrian Routes to School Initiative, first accidents as priority schools. Of the 135 priority schools selected, 33 are in Queens. Each priority school received a detailed individual study comprised of community and school outreach, traffic data analysis and the tracking of student travel patterns. Menzer stated that 93 percent of the students at P.S. 239 walk to school. According to a 2013 -SEE CB 5 TRANSIT ON PG. 27- Cop Stopped LIC Auto Stripper For catching a man allegedly stripping parts from a parked vehicle, P.O. Alexis Jusino of the 108th Precinct was honored as Cop of the Month during the 108th Precinct Community Council meeting last Tuesday night, Oct. 28, at Sunnyside Community Services. Justino reportedly caught the suspect removing tires and rims from a car in the area of 47th Avenue and 34th Street in Long Island City on Oct. 6. Following a short pursuit, Jusino caught the perpetator several blocks from the crime scene. Capt. Brian Hennessy, the precinct’s commanding officer, and Diane Ballek, precinct council president, presented Jusino with a plaque donated by the Times Newsweekly. Shown at the award presentation are (from left to right) Ballek; Capt. Suzanne Catoggio, the precinct’s executive officer; Lt. Jon Cermeli, the precinct’s special operations coordinator; Hennessy; and Don McCallian, the precinct council’s treasurer. (photo: Marcin Zurawicz) She’s Fatally Shot Near Elmhurst Club Two Others Hit In Hail Of Bullets by Robert Pozarycki In the wrong place at the wrong time, a 20-year-old woman was shot to death and two other bystanders were injured after gunfire erupted near an Elmhurst nightclub early last Friday morning, Oct. 31, it was reported. Law enforcement sources said the bullets flew at about 4:05 a.m. at the corner of Queens Boulevard and Barnwell Avenue. According to authorities, an apparent dispute broke out among a crowd of unidentified individuals inside Club Hive, located at 79-21 Queens Blvd., a block away from the shooting location. Police were called, and members of the 110th Precinct responded to the scene. Once the officers arrived, law enforcement sources said, the crowd dispersed out into the street. Moments later, it was reported, an unidentified individual at Queens Boulevard and Barnwell Avenue pulled out a gun and began firing. Two of the bullets struck 20- year-old Tamar Sermons of Edgewood Avenue in Springfield Gardens in the neck and leg. Paramedics rushed her to Elmhurst Hospital Center, where she later died of her injuries. Additionally, a 21-year-old woman was shot in the buttocks and leg, while a 31-year-old man -SEE CLUB ON PG. 26- Here’s A Glimpse Of What’s In This Week’s Times Newsweekly... LOCAL NEWS HIGHLIGHTS RRIIDDGGEEWWOOOODD:: MMaasskkeedd BBaannddiittss HHiitt JJeewweellrryy SSttoorree......................Pg. 1 MMIIDDDDLLEE VVIILLLLAAGGEE:: GGlleennddaallee SShheelltteerr SSuuiitt SSttaarrtteedd,, JJPPCCAA LLeeaarrnnss...Pg. 1 BUSHWICK: Seek Pair Who Shot Man In Apt. Building.............Pg. 1 MMAASSPPEETTHH:: DDeebbaattee TTeeaamm SSwweeeeppss TToouurrnnaammeenntt................Photo, Pg. 1 GGLLEENNDDAALLEE:: CCBB 55 TTrraannssiitt CCmmttee.. EEyyeess SSaaffee SScchhooooll RReeppaaiirrss.........Pg. 3 ELMHURST: Woman Fatally Shot Outside Nightclub................Pg. 3 SUNNYSIDE: 108th Pct. Honors Cop Of The Month........Photo, Pg. 3 MMIIDDDDLLEE VVIILLLLAAGGEE:: GGyymm PPllaannss AAtt BBooaarrdd 55 MMeeeettiinngg NNoovv.. 1122.......Pg. 4 RIDGEWOOD: Bus Fatally Strikes Pedestrian...........................Pg. 6 LONG ISLAND CITY: Ex-DEP Official Busted For Bribery..........Pg. 6 WOODHAVEN: Checking In On Library Pre-K Class.....Photo, Pg. 6 RROOCCKKAAWWAAYY:: RReemmeemmbbeerriinngg SSaannddyy TTwwoo YYeeaarrss LLaatteerr........Photo, Pg. 8 CORONA: CEC 24 Crunches School Funding Figures..............Pg. 9 RIDGEWOOD: Say Bushwick Man Slashed Foe In Fight...........Pg. 9 SSUUNNNNYYSSIIDDEE:: SSeerrvviicceess PPrrooggrraamm MMaarrkkss AA MMiilleessttoonnee........Photo, Pg. 9 SUNNYSIDE/WOODSIDE: Slow Zones Arrive.......................Pg. 10 MMAASSPPEETTHH:: AArrgguummeenntt OOvveerr PPaarrkkiinngg SSppoott EEnnddss IInn BBlloooodd............Pg. 10 MASPETH: Parents Crowd High School Info Fair.........Photo, Pg. 10 HOWARD BEACH: Catch Vegas Wiseguy For 2002 Mob Hit.......Pg. 11 RRIIDDGGEEWWOOOODD:: FFOOCCAA CCoonnttrriibbuutteess TToo SShheelltteerr FFiigghhtt.....................Pg. 11 RIDGEWOOD: Driver Injured In Head-On Crash.............Photo, Pg. 11 SUNNYSIDE: Calls To Catch ‘Thugs’ Who Mugged Senior.........Pg. 17 FOREST HILLS: Seek Suspect Who Groped Woman...................Pg. 17 RIDGEWOOD: Fall Festival At Grover Cleveland H.S......Photo, Pg. 19 MIDDLE VILLAGE: Christ the King’s Top Students.............Photo, Pg. 22 GLENDALE: Students Attend Uplifting Concert................Photo, Pg. 25 KEW GARDENS: ‘Trunk Or Treat’ At Maple Grove.........Photo, Pg. 25 RIDGEWOOD: P.S. 81 Holds Halloween Parade............Photos, Pg. 59 REGIONAL NEWS HIGHLIGHTS Election Results: New York Stays Blue As Capitol Hill Goes Red...Pg. 1 CChhiieeff OOff DDeeppaarrttmmeenntt’’ss SSuuddddeenn RReessiiggnnaattiioonn SShhoocckkss NNYYPPDD............Pg. 8 AAlllleeggeeddllyy PPrroolliiffiicc GGrraaffffiittii VVaannddaall IInnddiicctteedd FFoorr RRaammppaaggee..............Pg. 10 SSppooookkyy FFuunn FFoorr EEvveerryyoonnee AAtt AArreeaa HHaalllloowweeeenn EEvveennttss........Photos, Pg. 16 New Laws Expand Emergency Medical Care At Schools............Pg. 17 Aqueduct Racetrack Spruced Up, But Questions Remain............Pg. 53 COLUMNS & LISTINGS Ben Carson......................Pg. 4 104th Precinct Blotter.....Pg. 11 My Say..........................Pg. 17 Transit & Traffic News.....Pg. 18 News From The GRHS....Pg. 19 It’s In Queens!...............Pg. 20 Community Calendar.....Pg. 20 Crossword & Sudoku......Pg. 20 TV Listings.....................Pg. 21 The Old Timer................Pg. 23 News From The WRBA...Pg. 25 Social Security News.....Pg. 25 Sports...........................Pg. 57 SUBSCRIBE TO THE TIMES NEWSWEEKLY! SEE PAGE 15 VVeetteerraannss DDaayy IIss TTuueessddaayy, NNoovv. 1111 •• NNoo MMaail, GGaarrbbaaggee PPicckkuupp OOrr SSttrreeeett CCleeaanninngg •• OOuurr OOfficcee IIss OOppeenn
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