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FEATURES Times Newsweekly Community Profiles • Local History • Nightlife • Food Reviews • Neighborhood Events And Memories by Noah Zuss Dance/NYC, a program dedicated to promoting movement celebrated the Queensboro Dance festival from Oct. 20-26, and released 27 testimonial videos from borough residents on Monday, Oct. 27. The New Yorkers For Dance video campaign highlighted residents, community leaders and artists in Queens, according to a statement. The Dance/NYC program is “dedicated to promoting the knowledge, appreciation practice and performance of dance in the metropolitan area,” it was noted. The event was the most recent in a series of borough-specific campaigns from Dance/NYC that celebrates the role of the art form in advancing local vibrancy, it was noted. “I am a New Yorker for dance because it makes children happy and healthy,” said City Council Majority Leader Jimmy Van Bramer. “Dance is important to the soul and the body. I know we’re all better off in the city because we have dance.” Each video in the campaign consisted of a personal statement on why dance matters to them and their community, according to the program. Queens participants included Courtney Ffrench, general manager of the Jamaica Performing Arts Center, Executive Director of Spaceworks Paul Parkhill and dancer and choreographer Paz Tanjuaquio, among many others, it was noted. “Dance/NYC is connecting faces and names to the powerful contributions of dance and culture to the people of Queens, 21 • TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2014 Local Dancers Release Videos Aims To Promote Participation Racing In Queens MMaarraatthhoonn CClloosseess LLIICC SSttrreeeettss by Noah Zuss The 44th annual New York City Marathon is this Sunday, Nov. 2, and with the race come street closures and thousands of runners through serval Queens neighborhoods The event’s first running was in 1970 with just 127 entrants, according to New York Road Runners, the event’s organizer. The marathon has grown exponentially over the four decades into a premier athletic event with over 40,000 participants, it was noted. Beginning in Staten Island, the course will traverse all five boroughs of New York City and end at Central Park. The route includes several major bridges, including the Verrazano Bridge at the southern end of Brooklyn, the first span racers cross. After going north up the spine of Brooklyn, runners will enter Queens by the Pulaski Bridge in Greenpoint. In Queens the racers will travel through the neighborhoods of Dutch Kills, Hunters Point and Long Island City before crossing the Ed Koch Queensboro Bridge to continue the 26.2 mile journey. Several streets will be closed from early Sunday morning until the afternoon. Residents in these neighborhoods are advised that cars parked on many streets will be relocated during the race by the Department of Transportation and NYPD tow trucks. Road closures in the borough include the following: Pulaski Bridge southbound; 48th Avenue between 11th Street and Vernon Boulevard; Vernon Boulevard between 48th Avenue and 10th Street; 10th Street between Vernon Boulevard and 44th Drive: 44th Drive between 10th Street and Hunter Street; Hunter Street between 44th Drive and Crescent Street; Crescent Street between Hunter Street and Queens Plaza South; Queens Plaza South between Crescent Street and 23rd Street: 23rd Street between Queens Plaza South and Queens Plaza North; and the eastbound Ed Koch- Queensboro Bridge. P.S. 68 Honors Its Top Students For achieving high marks during October, these pupils at P.S. 68 in Glendale received Student of the Month awards at a recent ceremony. The honorees, which included the children pictured above, are (in alphabetical order) Kristopher Aguilar, Jordan Aponte, Jolie Bao, Jharista Brista, Tiago Castro, Anthony Cedeno, Jovi Cepeda, Kenneth Contreras, Daniel Cruz, Adrian Dilone, Anthony Donowski, Rowan Echevarria, Jherelyn Evangelista, Laura Gomez, Brandon Guo, Daven Guzman, Saiyara Hassan, Michael Lajqi, Kelly Lok, Destiny Martinez, David Melo, Mariana Nauth, Jessenia Ordonez, Keila Pinto, Jayden Platero, Stephanie Rampaul, Nicole Rodriguez, Wendy Rojas, Amelia Staniurski, Jayden Subhan, Hridesh Tuladhar and Jurelis Vargas. Civic Association Helps Troops’ Families -SEE VIDEOS ON PG. 61- Assemblyman Mike Miller attended the Richmond Hill South Civic Association (RHSCA) meeting at the Knights of Columbus Hall at 135-45 Lefferts Blvd. last Thursday, Oct. 23. This month's meeting was a dinner party celebration in recognition of $2 million worth of clipped coupons which are used to support area troops’ families overseas. Miller is pictured with RHSCA members and Margaret Finnerty, RHSCA president. SUPPORTING OUR TROOPS MEANS MORE THAN WAVING FLAGS. HHeellpp RReettuurrnniinngg SSoollddiieerrss BByy DDoonnaattiinngg TToo VVeetteerraannss OOrrggaanniizzaattiioonnss..

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