PUMPING $ INTO CREEK Bankrupt Oil Co. Settles Over Cleanup by Noah Zuss The federal government settled with the bankrupt Getty Corporation last week for its liabilities in contributing to pollution in the Newtown Creek, U.S. District Attorney for the Southern District of New York Preet Bharara announced last Tuesday, Oct. 21. The agreement, in which Getty will pay $16 million to the federal government, was made under the federal Superfund law, and the Oil PollutingAct, Bharara said. Due to decades of toxic spillage and heavy industry on the banks of the 3.5-mile creek that serves as part of the Brooklyn/Queens border, the waterway is one of the most polluted in the nation. It was added to the U.S. Superfund site list in 2010. The federal government, under the auspices of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), will lead the cleanup effort and pursue compensation for it from the companies deemed responsible for the contamination. “For more than a century, irresponsible industrial activities turned Newtown Creek into a tributary of toxic waste,” Bharara stated. Getty Terminals operated a facility near the creek which “stored, blended and distributed gasoline, fuel oil and gasolineblending additives,” according to Bharara’s office. The Getty site also included both surface and below-ground tanks in which fuel and related chemicals were stored. According to a proof of claim filed by the federal government, Getty Terminals allegedly discharged contaminants into the creek, including materials “with lead concentrations and other hazardous substances.” Getty, in filings with U.S. Bankruptcy Court, also admitted that a spill at the facility occurred in October 2005 which resulted in further contamination of the creek. “Getty’s decades of irresponsibility and indifference to the environment could pose significant environmental risks to Newtown Creek communities and must be addressed,” EPA Regional Administrator Judith Enck said. “EPAadded Newtown Creek to its Superfund National Priorities List of the country’s most hazardous waste sites in September 2010 because its water and sediment contain a range of -SEE CREEK ON PG. 54- TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2014 • 6 They Mugged Man At Sunnyside ATM Suspects Sought For Senior Assault Security camera images of the suspects who allegedly assaulted and robbed an elderly man at a Sunnyside bank on Sunday. by Robert Pozarycki Detectives continue to search for two men who beat up and robbed an elderly man at a Sunnyside bank on Sunday morning, Oct. 26, police reported. Law enforcement sources said the mugging occurred at 9:23 a.m. inside the ATM lobby of Chase bank located at 46-10 Queens Blvd. According to authorities, the 81-year-old male victim withdrew cash from the ATM when he was approached by the two suspects, both of whom were described as black men. Seconds later, police said, the duo punched the man in the face, then removed $100 in cash and the victim’s debit card. They reportedly fled the scene on foot in an unknown direction. Officers from the 108th Precinct responded to the incident; the victim suffered injuries that were not lifethreatening. Various police units searched the surrounding area for the suspects, but despite those efforts, no immediate arrests were made, law enforcement sources noted. The case was presented to the 108th Precinct Detective Squad for further investigation, police stated. Anyone with information regarding the suspects’ whereabouts that could prove helpful is asked to call the 108th Precinct Detective Squad at 1- 718-784-5441 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-577-TIPS. Information may also be sent to Crime Stoppers via text message to 274637 (enter information, then the code TIP577) or online at www.nypdcrimestoppers.com. All calls and messages will be kept confidential. Iff YYoouu SSeeee BBrreeaakkiinngg NNeewws OOnn YYoouurr BBlloocckk... CCoonnttaacctt TThhee Times Newsweekly CCaallll 11--771188--882211--77550000 •• EEmmaaiill iinnfoo@@ttiimmeessnneewwsswweeeekkllyy..ccoomm PPUUTT YYOOUURR PPEETT IINN OOUURR CCAARRIINNGG HHAANNDDSS Bring in your FURRY little friend to have his/her picture taken and posted on our Facebook page. Prizes will be given out for the best costume. ©Times Newsweekly - 2013 - ANTELYES Brodi & Kayla invite all their furry friends to the ANTELYES HALLOWEEN COSTUME PARTY: Date: Friday 10/31/14 Time: 9:30AM - 8 PM Present this ad for a 10% DISCOUNT on VISIT fee during Halloween Week ANTELYES ANIMAL HOSPITAL CCOONNVVEENNIIEENNTT HHOOUURRSS!! MON - FRI 9:30AM - 8PM SAT, SUN 9:00AM - 3PM 718-386-0655 • 718-821-4260 62-09 FRESH POND RD. MIDDLE VILLAGE, NY 11379
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