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STAND AGAINST HATE of Bushwick Avenue and Halsey Street. As in the previous incident, the group—described as four black males—shouted anti-gay epithets at the victim and her companion, a gay man, before the violence broke out. The victim, who was struck in the head with a plexiglass plank, suffered severe head trauma and remains hospitalized in critical condition, the district attorney noted. The investigation in that case is ongoing, and Thompson urged the public to come forward with tips. Anyone with information regarding the suspects’ whereabouts is urged to call the Kings County DistrictAttorney’s Office Civil Rights Unit at 1-718- 250-2963. “In Brooklyn, everyone— regardless of their race, ethnicity, gender, religion, sexual orientation or sexual identity— must be treated with dignity and respect,” Thompson stated. “The victims in the Sept. 27 shooting were minding their own business and had every right to believe they could safely walk the streets. This indictment reflects our determination to protect all of the 3 • TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2014 Brooklyn DA Decries B’wick Bias Crimes by Robert Pozarycki Brooklyn’s chief prosecutor came to Bushwick on Tuesday, Oct. 28, to announce that a local man was indicted in connection with a recent local shooting that law enforcement agents declared a bias crime. Matthew Smith, 20, of As previously reported in the Putnam Avenue was charged in a Times Newsweekly, Smith 13-count indictment which allegedly shot a 22-year-old man included second-degree who was dressed as a woman in attempted murder and first- and the vicinity of Putnam and second-degree assault counts Bushwick avenues on the classified as hate crimes, Kings morning of Sept. 27. Prior to the County District Attorney Ken gunfire, authorities said, the Thompson stated during his suspect and two cohorts—Cody announcement at Maria Sigue, 22, of Putnam Avenue in Hernandez Park. Bushwick and Tavon Johnson, 17, of Tompkins Avenue in Bedford-Stuyvesant—allegedly hurled homophobic slurs at the victim, who was walking with two other friends. Bushwick suffered another hate crime just two weeks later on Oct. 13, Thompson noted, when a 28-year-old transgender woman was brutally assaulted by a group of unidentified males in the area -SEE BIAS ON PG. 30- Midville Kiwanis Honors Service For their various contributions to the community over the years, five activists were honored by the Kiwanis Club of Middle Village during the club’s second community awards dinner last Thursday night, Oct. 23, at Roma View Caterers in Howard Beach. As announced, the honorees included former City Council Member Anthony Como (not pictured), Anthony D’Angelo, Janet Falcone, Jake LaSala and Connie Santos. Pictured at the award presentation are (from left to right) club members Jill Nicolois, Tina DiTroia, Dan Austin, Dorothy Lancaster and Margaret Schemeritz; Falcone; Kiwanis West Lt. Gov. J.P. DiTroia; Kiwanis member Sal Crifasi; LaSala; Middle Village Kiwanis President Al Gentile; club member Sal Crifasi Jr.; Santos and D’Angelo. (photo: Marcin Zurawicz) Getting Ready For Halloween Haunts Parades & Parties Set For Friday by Robert Pozarycki Ghosts, goblins and everything in between are invited to enjoy various Halloween parades and parties across the Times Newsweekly coverage area tomorrow, Friday, Oct. 31. The family-friendly events, scheduled to take place rain or shine, include the following: Glendale Considered the area’s oldest continuous march of its kind in the city, the Glendale Halloween Parade will be a treat for all participants tomorrow night. Sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Glendale, the march steps off at 7 p.m. sharp from St. Pancras School, located at the corner of Myrtle Avenue and 68th Street. The costumed spectators will walk westbound along Myrtle Avenue to the Stop and Shop supermarket parking lot, located at the corner of Myrtle Avenue and Cypress Hills Street. Members of the 104th Precinct and the 104th Precinct Civilian Observation Patrol will be on hand to make sure the events are safe.O nce arriving at the parking lot, the youngest parade participants will receive treats and be invited to participate in a costume contests for various prizes. Maspeth Spooky times will surely be found during the Maspeth Ragamuffin Parade Friday evening along Grand Avenue. Organized by the Maspeth -SEE HALLOWEEN ON PG. 30- Here’s A Glimpse Of What’s In This Week’s Times Newsweekly... LOCAL NEWS HIGHLIGHTS MMAASSPPEETTHH//AASSTTOORRIIAA:: CCoouuppllee BBuusstteedd FFoorr PPiimmppiinngg OOuutt WWoommeenn...Pg. 1 BBUUSSHHWWIICCKK:: MMaann CClliippppeedd DDuurriinngg NNaaiill SSaalloonn BBeeeeff...................Pg. 1 GLENDALE: Anti-Shelter Coalition Raises Big Bucks.........Photo, Pg. 1 WWOOOODDSSIIDDEE:: DDoogg DDaayy AAtt ‘‘WWooooffssiiddee’’ PPaarraaddee................Photo, Pg. 1 BBUUSSHHWWIICCKK:: BBrrooookkllyynn DDAA DDeennoouunncceess RReecceenntt BBiiaass CCrriimmeess.........Pg. 3 MIDDLE VILLAGE: Kiwanis Club Honors Service.............Photo, Pg. 3 SUNNYSIDE: Robbers Wanted For Mugging Senior................Pg. 6 EELLMMHHUURRSSTT:: LLaawwmmaakkeerrss WWaanntt LLIIRRRR SSttoopp IInn FFiinnaall MMTTAA PPllaann........Pg. 8 MASPETH: Sinkhole Forms Near Residence...................Photo, Pg. 8 RICHMOND HILL: Quality Of Life Tops 102nd Council Meet....Pg. 9 MIDDLE VILLAGE: Arrests Up, Crime Down In 104th Pct.........Pg. 10 RRIIDDGGEEWWOOOODD:: FFiinnee DDaayy FFoorr SSeenneeccaa AAvvee.. SSttrroollll............Photo, Pg. 10 CORONA: Police Looking For Park Pervert..................Photo, Pg. 11 BUSHWICK: 83rd Pct. Boss Warns Of Robbery Rise...............Pg. 12 CCOORROONNAA//EELLMMHHUURRSSTT:: MMaann IInnddiicctteedd FFoorr SShhoooottiinngg AAtt CCooppss.....Pg. 12 RIDGEWOOD: Democrats Keep Their Club Clean........Photo, Pg. 12 GGLLEENNDDAALLEE:: BBuusstt AAuuttoo SShhoopp OOwwnneerr FFoorr TTaaxx FFrraauudd..................Pg. 19 GLENDALE/MIDDLE VILLAGE: Man Fatally Hit By Truck.........Pg. 20 LONG ISLAND CITY: Making Dance Push On Video..................Pg. 21 LLOONNGG IISSLLAANNDD CCIITTYY:: NNeeww YYoorrkk CCiittyy MMaarraatthhoonn SSuunnddaayy..............Pg. 21 RICHMOND HILL: Honor Civic Group For Helping Vets...Photo, Pg. 21 GLENDALE: P.S. 68 Honors Students Of The Month..........Photo, Pg. 21 GLENDALE: Kiwanis Club Treats Local Principals.............Photo, Pg. 24 RIDGEWOOD: St. Matthias School Holds Bake Sale.......Photo, Pg. 25 GLENDALE: Celebrating Beatles’ Golden Arrival.............Photo, Pg. 25 MASPETH: I.S. 73 Builders Club Continues Work.............Photo, Pg. 26 FOREST PARK: ‘Howl’-oween Fun At Dog Run.................Photo, Pg. 29 REGIONAL NEWS HIGHLIGHTS Local Lawmakers Seek BRT On Woodhaven, Cross Bay Blvds.......Pg. 1 RRuunnddoowwnn OOff HHaalllloowweeeenn PPaarraaddeess && PPaarrttiieess TToommoorrrrooww....................Pg. 3 BBaannkkrruupptt OOiill CCoommppaannyy SSeettttlleess OOvveerr NNeewwttoowwnn CCrreeeekk CClleeaannuupp......Pg. 6 PPooll LLooookkss TToo CClloossee LLoooopphhoollee CCoonnttrriibbuuttiinngg TToo CCaarr TThheeffttss................Pg. 10 More Changes Made At Queens Borough Public Library............Pg. 19 Comptroller: Accident Claims Costing City Big Money................Pg. 19 Seniors On Social Security To Receive COLA Boost....................Pg. 20 COLUMNS & LISTINGS Pat Buchanan..................Pg. 4 104th Precinct Blotter.....Pg. 11 Transit & Traffic News.....Pg. 20 It’s In Queens!...............Pg. 22 Community Calendar.....Pg. 22 Crossword & Sudoku......Pg. 22 TV Listings.....................Pg. 23 News From The GRHS....Pg. 25 The Old Timer................Pg. 27 News From The WRBA...Pg. 28 Social Security News.....Pg. 29 Sports...........................Pg. 62 SUBSCRIBE TO THE TIMES NEWSWEEKLY! SEE PAGE 63 EElleeccttiioonn DDaayy IIss TTuueessddaayy,, NNoovv.. 44.. DDoonn’’tt FFoorrggeett TToo VVoottee FFoorr TThhee CCaannddiiddaatteess OOff YYoouurr CChhooiiccee!!

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