24 THE COURIER SUN • OCTOBER 22, 2015 FOR BREAKING NEWS VISIT www.couriersun.com 12 times • OCTOBER 22, 2015 FOR BREAKING NEWS VISIT www.timesnewsweekly.com editorial sun WWW.COURIERSUN.COM VICTORIA SCHNEPS-YUNIS JOSHUA A. SCHNEPS BOB BRENNAN ROBERT POZARYCKI AMY AMATO-SANCHEZ NIRMAL SINGH ALAN SELTZER STEPHEN REINA RON TORINA, JENNIFER DECIO, CHERYL GALLAGHER ANGY ALTAMIRANO, KATRINA MEDOFF, ANTHONY GIUDICE ANGELA MATUA, ALINA SURIEL CLIFF KASDEN, SAMANTHA SOHMER, ELIZABETH ALONI ANGY ALTAMIRANO DEMETRA PLAGAKIS WARREN SUSSMAN CELESTE ALAMIN MARIA VALENCIA VICTORIA SCHNEPS-YUNIS JOSHUA A. SCHNEPS PUBLISHER & EDITOR CO-PUBLISHER ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER ESTABLISHED 1908 EDITOR-IN-CHIEF VP, EVENTS, WEB & SOCIAL MEDIA ART DIRECTOR VICTORIA SCHNEPS-YUNIS ASSISTANT TO PUBLISHER JOSHUA SCHNEPS......................ASSISTANT ART DIRECTOR Co-Publishers ARTISTS ROBERT POZARYCKI..................STAFF REPORTERS Editor-in-Chief NIRMAL SINGH.............................CONTRIBUTING REPORTERS Production Manager CHERYL GALLAGHER WEB EDITOR ...............Art Director EVENTS MANAGER DEBORAH SENIOR CUSICK......................ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE Classified Manager MARLENE RUIZ.............................CLASSIFIED MANAGER CONTROLLER Assistant Classified Manager ANTHONY GIUDICE.....................PRESIDENT & CEO VICE PRESIDENT Reporter KELLY MARIE MANCUSO...........Contributing Reporter Schneps Communications, 38-15 Bell Blvd., Bayside, NY 11361 MARCIN 718-224-ZURAWICZ.....................5863 • Fax 718-224-5441 Photographer Sales Fax: 718-631-3498 www.couriersun.com editorial e-mail: [email protected] for advertising e-mail: [email protected] Entire Contents Copyright 2015 by The Courier Sun All letters sent to THE COURIER SUN should be brief and are subject to condensing. Writers should include a full address and home and offi ce telephone numbers, where available, as well as affi liation, indicating special interest. Anonymous letters are not printed. Name withheld on request. No such ad or any part thereof may be reproduced without prior permission of THE COURIER SUN. The publishers will not be responsible for any error in advertising beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error. Errors must be reported to THE COURIER SUN within fi ve days of publication. Ad position cannot be guaranteed unless paid prior to publication. VIctoria Media Services assumes no liability for the content or reply to any ads. The advertiser assumes all liability for the content of and all replies. The advertiser agrees to hold THE COURIER SUN and its employees harmless from all cost, expenses, liabilities, and damages resulting from or caused by the publication or recording placed by the advertiser or any reply to any such advertisement. What are you doing for Halloween? “I’ll be going to a party with my friends. I’m going as Silent Bob from the show ‘Jay and Silent Bob.’” Aaron Janez BY BROOKE SMITH “I’ll be taking both of my kids trick-or-treating to the businesses along Bell Boulevard. My son is going to be Super Mario and my daughter is going to be a baby duckling.” Alison Gioconda “I don’t have a costume yet … I want to be something original, like maybe even a witch or a zombie or any other popular horror movie star.” Johnathon Clauzel “I’m taking my kids trick-or-treating early this year. My daughter’s going as a poodle and my son’s going to be a fi refi ghter.” Diana Sosci “I have to go to a birthday party. I don’t think I’ll be dressing up.” Louis Lee “I’ll probably be working on Halloween, but if I were to dress up it would be something sexy.” Yena Park street talk “I usually don’t dress up, but I’m feeling tempted this year. I was thinking of being an extraterrestrial.” Hussein “I will be going to the village for work. I’ll be going as a brand ambassador for the company Balance, which promotes love and acceptance amongst the gay and lesbian community.” Lia Parisyan SNAPS QUEENS The fall harvest at The Queens County Farm Museum, which sells the produce at an on-site farmers market Photo by Alina Suriel Send us your photos of Queens and you could see them online or in our paper! Submit them to us via our Instagram @queenscourier, Facebook page, tweeting @queenscourier or by emailing [email protected] (subject: Queens Snaps). Hurry up with Woodhaven Blvd. fi x There was another deadly accident on Woodhaven Boulevard this weekend, and it again pointed out that the road needs to be completely reorganized. A motorcyclist died on the morning of Oct. 17 when he was hit by a turning vehicle at the corner of Woodhaven Boulevard and Union Turnpike in Glendale. It’s just the latest death on a roadway that has seen eight fatalities and 1,200 people injured in accidents over a 2 1/2-year period, according to Department of Transportation statistics. Woodhaven Boulevard is quickly supplanting Queens Boulevard as the most dangerous roadway in Queens. Improvements are being made on Queens Boulevard, which has the reputation for being the “boulevard of death,” to make it safer for drivers, bicyclists and pedestrians. Similar improvements on Woodhaven Boulevard are happening — the most recent being a bus-only lane between Eliot and Metropolitan avenues — but so much more needs to be done. One transit advocacy group continues to press the city to introduce Select Bus Service (SBS), an intensifi ed form of limited bus service, to Woodhaven and Cross Bay boulevards. They claim SBS will play a signifi - cant role in making the entire corridor safer for all who use it. That alone, however, isn’t enough to remedy the problem. The entire confi guration of Woodhaven Boulevard is a driver’s nightmare, with lanes merging and dividing every which way, obstructive medians, a lack of appropriate turning lanes and terrible sightlines at some intersections. This all leads to congestion, confusion and plenty of accidents. Repainting lanes or creating margins between parking and travel lanes isn’t going to cut it. Building an SBS system and calling it a day won’t fi x the problem either. The city must get moving on a major capital project on Woodhaven Boulevard to streamline traffi c, install turning lanes and bring in other safety improvements. Queens drivers and pedestrians can’t wait any longer. Queens at your fi ngertips at QNS.com This August, The Queens Courier reached an online milestone: 425,691 page views online during the month, with 14,603 average daily clicks. We thank our loyal readers on the Internet, in Queens and around the world, for helping us achieve this all-time high. We reached this milestone with a website that had very limited uses. It was never meant to be a permanent website, as for the last 18 months, we’ve been hard at work building a new online home for The Courier and our sister publications in Queens that really represents your needs. So here is QNS.com — your home for news, events, sales, businesses, community talk and much more, your entire neighborhood right at your fi ngertips. We already cover Queens like no other publication, and this website will enable us to expand our reach even further. What’s more, you’ll be part of it every step of the way. By signing up for a free account, you get to sound off on important issues in your neighborhood, advertise events, post classifi eds and connect with thousands of others across Queens. The Courier’s longtime motto is “We’re all about you,” and QNS.com certainly embodies our mantra. QNS.com is all about you, and we want all of you to participate and enjoy everything it has to offer. Font: Engravers Old English Normal Font: Engravers Old English Normal COPYRIGHT 2015 SCHNEPS NY MEDIA, LLC. 62-70 Fresh Pond Rd., Ridgewood, N.Y. 11385 General Publication Office: 38-15 Bell Blvd., Bayside, NY 11361 TELEPHONE: 1-718-821-7500/7501/7502/7503 FAX: 1-718-224-5441 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEB SITE: www.timesnewsweekly.com ON TWITTER @timesnewsweekly PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY FOR 107 YEARS COMPOSITION RESPONSIBILITY: Accuracy in receiving ads over the telephone cannot be guaranteed. This newspaper is responsible for only one incorrect insertion and only for that portion of the ad in which the error appears. It is the responsibility of the advertiser to make sure copy does not contravene the Consumer Protection Law or any other requirement. TIMES NEWSWEEKLY Is Listed With The Standard Rate & Data And Is A Member Of The New York Press Association
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