The history of Christ the King High School
Christ the King High School was
established in 1962 under the
direction of Bishop Bryan J.
McEntergart. It was built with money
received from parishioners during
a campaign fund for diocesan high
The school began as two separate
divisions under one roof. The Girls
Division was taught by the Daughters
of Wisdom, under Mother David, D.W.,
Principal. She was succeeded by Sr.
Christopher Mary (Sr. Margaret Arraj).
The Marist brothers taught in the Boys’
division, under Brother James Damian,
FMS, Principal. Br. Christopher Emile,
Br. Peter Michael, Br. Simeon Anthony
and Br. Luke Martin Reddington
served, respectively, as the 2nd, 3rd,
4th, and 5th Principals of the Boys
Division. The Supervisory Principal
for both sections was Reverend Walter
Vetro. In 1973, the two divisions
became one co-educational institution.
April 28, 1961 Feast of St. Louis
Marie de Montfort. The contracts
were signed to begin building the
school. The Architects were Stickle
and Associates.
September 1962 The shell of the
building was finished. Christ the
King’s fi rst freshman class entered
school, housed at Mater Christi High
School located in Astoria.
May 6, 1963 Classes were held for
the fi rst time in the Christ the King
April 26, 1964 Three years aft er
contracts to begin building the school
were signed, the dedication ceremony
took place.
June 23, 1966 The fi rst Graduation
was celebrated. There were 840 graduates:
420 boys and 420 girls.
October 9, 1970 The faculty of the
Boys’ Division met with the faculty
of the Girls’ Division to discuss the
possibility of having a co-educational
school. Some co-ed classes already
September 1971 The Daughters of
Wisdom decided to relinquish control
of the administration of the Girls’ Division.
Hugh Kirwan accepted the position
of Principal of the Girls’ Division
of Christ the King.
September 1973 Christ the
King began operating under one
administrative body and one faculty.
The school became fully co-educational.
Kirwan was appointed Principal of
the combined divisions.
September 1973 The school year did
not start on time due to negotiations
between the Henry Hald Association
representing the Diocese, and the Lay
Faculty Association, representing the
teachers. School eventually began one
week aft er the scheduled opening date.
September 1975 No agreement
could be reached between the Diocese
and the teacher’s union. All bargaining
and negotiations stopped.
October 6, 1975 The Bishop informed
Mr. Kirwan that Christ the
King High School would be closed. The
senior class could fi nish the year at the
school. All other students were to be
transferred to other Diocesan schools.
This plan was not well received by the
students, who protested. They refused
to vacate the building. The students
were soon joined by their parents
and faculty, friends, and sympathizers,
who gathered in the cafeteria. The
Committee to Save Christ the King
was formed by future New York State
Senator Serphin R. Maltese, a parent,
at the urging of New York State Member
of Assembly Rosemary Gunning.
The school was reopened, and negotiations
with the Henry Hald Association
and the LFA representatives resumed.
For the fi rst time, parents and students
were represented at the meetings.
September 1976 Christ the King Diocesan
High School became Christ the
King Regional High School, an independent
Catholic High School. The Board
of Trustees was formed and Serphin
R. Maltese was elected Chairman. Mr.
Hugh Kirwan was appointed Principal
of the newly re-christened high school.
October 1992 In order to maintain
the fi nancial stability of the school,
thus ensuring continued success,
improving the physical plant, and
allowing the school to provide more
services to the community by utilizing
the unoccupied portions of the school
building, the Board of Trustees appointed
Michael Michel, Director of
June 1997 Mr. Kirwan retired
aft er 25 years of dedicated service as
Principal. Elizabeth Lawlor became
principal of Christ the King Regional
High School.
Spring 2000 Christ the King
Regional High School was granted
Middle States Association of Colleges
and Secondary Schools accreditation.
September 2000 Michael J. Lynch
became Principal of Christ the King.
He served the school in that capacity
until his retirement in June of 2006.
September 2006 Peter J. Mannarino
assumed the role of Principal of
Christ the King Regional High School.
Mr. Mannarino, a long-time member
of the Board of Trustees, was a public
school teacher and Assistant Principal
for 33 years prior to his appointment.
Michael Michel was appointed President
of Christ the King Regional High
School. In order to allow the Principal
to concentrate on the school’s academic
program, the President, in addition
to undertaking increased school campus
management responsibilities, was
given the opportunity to continue to
explore ways to fully utilize the campus
to maximize the benefi ts to the
high school and community.
Present The Christ the King Board
of Trustees continues its eff orts to
provide a quality Catholic High School
education. In order to do so, the school
has utilized the signifi cant amount of
space available to secure the necessary
resources to fulfi ll its mission. The
creation of the multi-faceted Christ
the King educational campus provides
for the needs of the community while
advancing this mission.