CEC DECRIES CHARTERS Educators & Parents Blast Proposal At Middle Village Meet meeting, following a request the company made to President Nick Comaianni this summer, he said. He was expecting Success Academy to make a presentation on their plans—or provide additional details so that parents and others could ask questions— but upon arriving at the meeting learned that would not happen. “If you have questions, they won’t be answered. This is more of a comment thing,” Comaianni said. One SuccessAcademy official did attend the meeting, prompting Comaianni to ask “Will you be answering questions?” After the representative declined, Comaianni remarked, “Then you are not really here.” The decision to allow new charter’s lies in the hands of the SUNY Charter Schools Institute, that hears recommendations from the SUNY Trustees’ Charter Schools Committee “They sent us an email, stating that they wanted to hold a meeting in District 24, only District 24, they didn’t mention the other districts in that email, Comaianni said last Tuesday evening. “And SuccessAcademy wanted to look at 24 for possible sites and they were going to give us a presentation and outline exactly what they wanted to do here, which we never received by the way, and we still don’t have here tonight. So obviously something got lost in the translation.” City Council Member Daniel 3 • TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2014 by Noah Zuss Parents, teachers and education advocates criticized charter school operator Success Academy during the Community Education Council (CEC) District 24 meeting at P.S./I.S. 128 in Middle Village last Tuesday, Sept. 22. Citing overcrowding, misuse of city resources and a complete lack of any details, members of three Community Education Councils––Districts 24, 28 and 30––blasted the company for not making a presentation or providing any further information on a plan to explore possible charter sites in the three districts. Several members of the three CEC’s expressed their frustration with continued overcrowding in the district’s, and are concerned charters will take away vital space from public schools. The hearing was held prior to the regular District 24 calendar -SEE CEC 24 ON PG. 26- Getting Rid Of E-Waste In LeFrak City Rep. Joe Crowley, alongside Assemblyman Jeffrion Aubry, hosted a free e-recycling event in LeFrak City to provide members of the community with an opportunity to safely and responsibly dispose of their old electronics on Sunday, Sept. 21. Local residents stopped by throughout the day to recycle electronic equipment such as laptops, TVs, peripheral devices, cell phones and batteries. Starting Jan 1, New Yorkers will no longer be permitted to dispose of certain items including computers and TVs in the trash. Bust Ridgewood Man For Stabbing Cabbie Also Pinched For Previous Robbery by Robert Pozarycki Detectives slapped the cuffs on a Ridgewood man on Monday, Sept. 29, for allegedly stabbing and robbing a livery cab driver in the neighborhood four days earlier, it was announced. Law enforcement sources identified the suspect as 41-yearold Kenneth Suden (at right) of 60th Street. Reportedly, Suden repeatedly knifed a 30-year-old cab driver early last Thursday morning, Sept. 25, on 70th Avenue between 60th Lane and 60th Street, then took off inside the victim’s taxi, a 2012 Toyota Camry. Authorities said the victim was hospitalized in critical but stable condition. Queens District Attorney Richard A. Brown stated the victim suffered several lacerations, a collapsed lung, a severed stomach and a severed liver as a result of the attack; he has undergone multiple surgeries. Officers additionally linked Suden to a holdup at a Ridgewood grocery store the -SEE CABBIE ON PG. 24- Here’s A Glimpse Of What’s In This Week’s Times Newsweekly... LOCAL NEWS HIGHLIGHTS RRIIDDGGEEWWOOOODD:: MMaasskkeedd BBaannddiittss SShhoooott RRoobbbbeerryy VViiccttiimm...............Pg. 1 SSUUNNNNYYSSIIDDEE:: HHuunnddrreeddss AAtttteenndd AAffffoorrddaabbllee HHoouussiinngg FFoorruumm.........Pg. 1 GLENDALE: Man Charged With Sexually Abusing Girl.............Pg. 1 WWOOOODDSSIIDDEE:: CCeerreemmoonnyy HHoonnoorrss ‘‘TThhee WWrroonngg MMaann’’........Photo, Pg. 1 MMIIDDDDLLEE VVIILLLLAAGGEE:: CCEECC 2244 BBllaassttss CChhaarrtteerr SScchhooooll PPrrooppoossaall........Pg. 3 RIDGEWOOD: Local Man Charged With Stabbing Cabbie........Pg. 3 CORONA: E-Waste Recycling At LeFrak City.................Photo, Pg. 3 MIDDLE VILLAGE: Board 5 Meeting On Oct. 8........................Pg. 4 RRIIDDGGEEWWOOOODD:: DDooee FFuunndd SSeerrvviicceess,, CCoorrnneerr IImmpprroovveemmeennttss PPaarrtt OOff FFrreesshh PPoonndd RRooaadd RReevviittaalliizzaattiioonn............................................Pg. 6 OZONE PARK: Halfway Home On Station Renewal................Pg. 8 RIDGEWOOD: Homeless Shelter Coming To Convent?..............Pg. 8 BUSHWICK: Hate Crime Charges For Alleged Shooter.............Pg. 8 RREEGGOO PPAARRKK:: MMaann FFllaasshheedd GGiirrll AAtt SShhooppppiinngg CCeenntteerr.......Photo, Pg. 8 OZONE PARK: Council Member Honors Local Vet.........Photo, Pg. 9 RRIIDDGGEEWWOOOODD:: SSttaattee SSeennaattee HHooppeeffuull MMeeeettss CCiivviicc GGrroouupp.........Pg. 10 GLENDALE: Corona Motorcyclist Killed In Crash....................Pg. 10 BBUUSSHHWWIICCKK:: DDrroonnee PPiilloott BBuusstteedd FFoorr IImmppeeddiinngg PPoolliiccee AAccttiivviittyy...Pg. 10 RICHMOND HILL: Bandits Slashed Him For Jewelry...................Pg. 11 BUSHWICK: Burglars Let Themselves Into Apartment..................Pg. 11 FOREST HILLS: 112th Pct. Council Meets New Commander.........Pg. 12 KKEEWW GGAARRDDEENNSS:: KKoorreeaann CCoommmmuunniittyy CCoonnffeerreennccee.............Photo, Pg. 12 MASPETH: High School Helps Fight Lyme Disease............Photo, Pg. 14 FLUSHING MEADOWS: Queens Zoo Gets Held Up...................Pg. 17 GLENDALE: Board 5 Hosts Voter Registration Drive........Photo, Pg. 22 RREEGGOO PPAARRKK:: LLaawwmmaakkeerrss AAiidd KKoosshheerr FFoooodd PPaannttrryy............Photo, Pg. 22 WOODHAVEN: 9/11 Remembered At GWDC Meet......Photos, Pg. 23 GGLLEENNDDAALLEE:: WWuunnddeerrbbaarr TTiimmeess AAtt OOkkttoobbeerrffeesstt.................Photos, Pg. 23 WOODHAVEN: Miller Holds Business Workshop............Photo, Pg. 25 GGLLEENNDDAALLEE:: KKiiwwaanniiss CClluubb FFeetteess IIttss PPrreessiiddeennttss..................Photos, Pg. 32 GGLLEENNDDAALLEE:: SStt.. PPaannccrraass HHoollddss CCaarrnniivvaall FFuunndd--RRaaiisseerr.........Photos, Pg. 32 QUEENS & BROOKLYN BOROUGH-WIDE NEWS New Elmhurst LIRR Station Part Of MTA Capital Plan...................Pg. 9 New City Law Establishes Hit-And-Run Penalties.........................Pg. 18 Long-Time Board 9 District Manager Bids Farewell.....................Pg. 19 City Unveils Revised Social Studies Curriculum...........................Pg. 25 COLUMNS & LISTINGS Pat Buchanan..................Pg. 4 104th Precinct Blotter.....Pg. 11 Transit & Traffic News.....Pg. 18 News From The GRHS....Pg. 19 It’s In Queens!...............Pg. 20 Community Calendar.....Pg. 20 Crossword & Sudoku......Pg. 20 TV Listings.....................Pg. 21 Social Security News.....Pg. 25 Sports...........................Pg. 58 SSUUBBSSCCRRIIBBEE TTOO TTHHEE TTIIMMEESS NNEEWWSSWWEEEEKKLLYY!! SSEEEE PPAAGGEE 1166 For More News And Information, Follow Us On Twitter @timesnewsweekly & Visit www.timesnewsweekly.com
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