Glendale Kiwanis Changes Guard In Style Members of the Kiwanis Club of Glendale celebrated the tenure of its outgoing president and the arrival of its new leader during a dinner/dance last Thursday night, Sept. 25, at Vetro’s by Russo’s on the Bay in Howard Beach. As shown in the left photo, Gerry Gonzalez—who served a year-long term at the helm of Glendale Kiwanis—passed the gavel to Incoming President Ken Voisin. The club also feted JoeAiello, a long-time Glendale Kiwanian, who completed a year-long tenure as New York State District governor. Kiwanians and guests are pictured in the group photo at right. (photos: Marcin Zurawicz) Glendale Carnival Benefitted St. Pancras TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2014 • 32 Children of all ages found plenty of fun things to do during St. Pancras School’s carnival in Glendale last weekend. Held nightly between last Friday, Sept. 26, and Sunday, Sept. 28, the festival featured rides, games, food and refreshments for visitors. Proceeds raised during the event benefit the school’s ongoing activities. (photos: Marcin Zurawicz) VVIISSIITT OOUURR AARRCCHHIIVVEESS OONNLLIINNEE AATT wwwwww..ttiimmeessnneewwsswweeeekkllyy..ccoomm
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