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And, of course, the Ferguson Police Department. That’s right. The president could not speak of war, terrorism and genocide without dragging in the incident in a St. Louis suburb where a white cop shot and killed a black teenager: “In a summer marked by instability in the Middle East and Eastern Europe, the world also took notice of the small American city of Ferguson, Missouri— where a young man was killed, and a community was divided.” What, other than its racial aspect, can explain why Obama is so hung up on Ferguson? At the Congressional Black Caucus dinner Saturday, he was back stoking the embers. “Too many young men of color feel targeted by law enforcement, guilty of walking while black or driving while black—judged by stereotypes that fuel fear and resentment and hopelessness.” Obama is here implying that Michael Brown was profiled, judged “guilty of walking while black,” when shot and killed. But that is false, and Barack Obama knows it is false. Brown had just knocked over a convenience store after collaring the clerk and was Join The 104th Precinct Civilian Observation Patrol Volunteers Needed from Glendale, Maspeth, Middle Village & Ridgewood 718-497-1500 MMAAUURREEEENN EE. WWAALLTTHHEERRSS..........................................PPuubblisshheerr && EEdditoorr JJOOHHNN TT.. WWAALLTTHHEERRSS................................................................................................PPuubblliisshheerr EEmmeerriittuuss RROOBBEERRT POOZZAARRYYCCKI.................................................MMaanaaging EEdditorr JJOOSEE VVAARRGAAS.............................................Prrodducction//Saaleess MMaanaageerr DDEEBBOORRAAHH CCUUSSICCKK..............................................CClaassssiffieedd MMaannaaggeerr MMAARRLLEENNEE RRUUIZZ............................................AAssssisst. CClaassssifieedd MMaanaageerr TTIIMMEESS NNEEWWSSWWEEEEKKLLYY IIss LLiisstteedd WWiitthh TThhee SSttaannddaarrdd RRaattee && DDaattaa AAnndd IIss AA MMeemmbbeerr OOff TThhee NNeeww YYoorrkk PPrreessss AAssssoocciiaattiioonn TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2014 • 4 Times Newsweekly EEDDIITTOORRIIAALL Times Newsweekly Established In 1908 As Ridgewood Times PPhhootoo SSuubbmmissssioonnss AAnndd RReeqquueesstss Photographs submitted to the Times Newsweekly/Ridgewood Times should be in electronic high resolution (300dpi) JPEG (.jpg) or TIFF (.tif) formats. Sharp and clear non-Polaroid photo prints in color or black and white are also acceptable. Photographs submitted will become the property of this newspaper, with the exception of photos or other materials sent for use by The Old Timer and photos which are part of paid announcements. We welcome the submission of unsolicited photos or related materials for consideration of publication, but we cannot guarantee their use. The return of such photos or materials, except in cases as noted above, is not possible. We regret that we are unable to accommodate requests for photos taken by photographers working on assignment for the Times Newsweekly/Ridgewood Times. Reaching The Queens Homes Of Ridgewood, Glendale, Maspeth, Middle Village, Woodside, Sunnyside, Astoria, Long Island City, Ozone Park, South Ozone Park, Howard Beach, Richmond Hill, Rego Park, Forest Hills, Woodhaven, Elmhurst & Kew Gardens. Reaching The Brooklyn Homes Of Ridgewood, Bushwick, Cypress Hills, East Williamsburg & Williamsburg. COMPOSITION RESPONSIBILITY: Accuracy in receiving ads over the telephone cannot be guaranteed. This newspaper is responsible for only one incorrect insertion and only for that portion of the ad in which the error appears. It is the responsibility of the advertiser to make sure copy does not contravene the Consumer Protection Law or any other requirement. CCOOPPYYRRIIGGHHTT 22001144 RRIIDDGGEEWWOOOODD TTIIMMEESS PPRRIINNTTIINNGG && PPUUBBLLIISSHHIINNGG CCOO., IINNCC. 60-71 Woodbine St., Ridgewood, N.Y. 11385 General Pub. Office: P.O. Box 863299 Ridgewood, N.Y. 11386-0299 Periodicals Postage Paid At Flushing, N.Y. (USPS 465-940) TTEELEEPHHOONEE: 11--771188--882211--77550000/77550011/77550022/77550033 FFAAXX: 11--771188--445566--00112200 EE-MMAAIILL: iinnffoo@@ttiimmeessnneewwsswweeeekkllyy..ccoomm WWEEBB SSITTEE: www.timessnnewssweekklyy.ccoom OON TTWWITTTTEER @@timessnnewssweekklyy PPUUBBLLIISSHHEEDD EEVVEERRYY TTHHUURRSSDDAAYY FFOORR OOVVEERR 110066 YYEEAARRSS PAT BUCHANAN City’s Disservice To Children News & Opinion In his U.N. address, President Obama listed a parade of horrors afflicting our world: “Russian aggression in Europe,” “terrorism in Syria and Iraq,” rapes and beheadings by ISIL, al-Qaida, Boko Haram. -SEE BUCHANAN ON PG. 26- It seems lawmakers in this city are doing everything in their power to undermine the public school system and reduce the quality of education its students receive. First, a movement is afoot to change the admissions process for the city’s elite high schools such as Stuyvesant Tech in Manhattan, Brooklyn Tech and Bronx Science. Mayor Bill de Blasio and others in government indicated their desire for these schools to changes their selection policies, which weigh heavily on students’ performance on the Specialized High School Admission Test (SHSAT). They claim reliance on test performance alone is reducing student body diversity in each school, and that multiple criteria should be considered in order to level the playing field. Supporters of the status quo, however, argue that the lack of diversity in these schools is troubling, but reducing the standards is not the appropriate answer to address disparity. Last week, Mayor de Blasio also expressed a desire to overturn the Department of Education’s (DOE) prohibition of cell phones on public school grounds. He reportedly called it a “safety issue,” adding that the phones—many of which are equipped with tracking applications—allow parents to keep tabs of where their kids are during the day. Mayor Michael Bloomberg, de Blasio’s predecessor, banned cell phones from public schools during his tenure, claiming the devices proved distractive to students. It also opened the door for students to secretly use the devices and cheat on tests and exams. Finally, The New York Times reported on Monday, Sept. 29, that de Blasio is gearing up to revise the DOE Discipline Code as “part of a larger initiative to examine school safety, discipline, suspensions and arrests.” Critics claim the current code—also implemented during the Bloomberg administration—includes “zero tolerance” policies that, while successful in dropping school crime, left students and teachers feeling under “siege,” as one former principal described. The zero tolerance policy included installing metal detectors at entrance ways and assigning police officers to the city’s most troubled schools. Crime dropped, but student suspensions spiked for infractions such as drug use, cheating, pushing past a student or defying a faculty member’s commands. “While the de Blasio administration has not revealed its specific changes to the discipline code, it is examining the threshold for suspensions,” The New York Times report noted, “and is likely to call for increased use of so-called restorative practices, like conflict resolution that involve bringing both sides together to discuss an incident rather than just meting out punishment.” Yeah, that’ll work just fine. When it comes to education, de Blasio and company appear to have this naïve belief that every New York City classroom would be perfect if only the DOE dialed back its standards and authority a few notches. There are some students who can succeed regardless of the environment, but the reality is that the majority of students need high standards and firm authority to learn, grow and develop into men and women. The city does a tremendous disservice to itself and its youth by watering down its educational standards. Schools shouldn’t be police states, but teachers and administrators should have the support of lawmakers and supervisors in helping their students learn in a safe environment. That means providing proper security and a modern curriculum that makes all students ready for higher education. Let the educators educate, let the students learn—and keep the city’s politicians and bureaucrats out of their way! Barack Obama: Outside Agitator CB 5 Meets Wed. Night In Midville The next monthly meeting of Community Board 5 is scheduled to take place this Wednesday night, Oct. 8, in Middle Village. As announced by District Manager Gary Giordano, the session will take place at 7:30 p.m. in the CNL Room at Christ the King Regional High School, located at 68-02 Metropolitan Ave. (enter through Door 10, take elevator to third floor). The agenda includes a presentation by the New York State Office of Child Support Enforcement. Board members will also vote on their capital and expense budget priorities for the city’s 2016 fiscal year. Also on the agenda are the public forum, a review of demolition notices and liquor license application and reports by Giordano, Chairperson Vincent Arcuri and various committee members. For additional information or to register to speak in advance, call Board 5’s Glendale office at 1-718-366- 1834. MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD! Send A Letter To The Editor By Email To info@ timesnewsweekly .com WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! ©Times Newsweekly 2014 – GCOP NEXT MEETING: Thurs., Oct. 9, 2014 8:00 pm St. Pancras Pfeifer Hall Myrtle Ave. and 68th St., Glendale All It Takes For Evil To Thrive Is For Good Men & Women To Do Nothing

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