TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 2014 • 12 NY SIDEWALKS LOOK CRAPPY Qns. Hit Hard With Poop Violators Over the last two years, seven summons were given in Queens Community Board 2, which covers parts of Sunnyside, Woodside, Long Island City and a portion of West Maspeth. In the last four years in ZIP code 11101––Long Island City––53 complaints were logged. No summonses were given in 2014 in Board 4, which covers the communities of Corona, Corona Heights and Elmhurst. One was issued in 2013, according to the DSNY. In 2014, none were given in by Noah Zuss Queens won the silver medal among the five broughs for a dubious honor, as it has the second-most violations given to owners who failed to pick up after their dogs, according to the Department of Sanitation (DSNY). Times Newsweekly CAMPAIGN TRAIL In the weeks leading up to September’s statewide primary and November’s general election, the Times Newsweekly will feature in this space press releases from various candidates seeking public office. Campaigns are welcome to submit press releases by fax to 1-718- 456-0120 or by email to [email protected]. All press releases are subject to editing; personal attacks on opponents will not be considered. 30TH ASSEMBLY RACE Pols & Labor Unions Endorsing Markey Democratic leaders, labor representations, friends and supporters gathered in Middle Village last week to show their support for Assemblywoman Margaret Markey in the upcoming Sept. 9 primary election. Among those present at the event were Queens Borough President Melinda Katz, Rep. Joseph Crowley, Assemblywoman Catherine Nolan and Assemblyman Michael Den Dekker. The fete came as many major labor organizations representing thousands of New Yorkers have announced their support for the reelection of the veteran Queens Assemblywoman who is a member of the Assembly’s influential Ways & Means Committee and chairs the Tourism, Parks, Arts and Sports Development Committee. The most recent Markey endorsement comes from the statewide organization of education professionals, the New York State United Teachers (NYSUT), which includes the NYC Federation of Teachers and is affiliated with the American Federation of Teachers, the National Education Association and the AFL-CIO. Other groups that represent working men and women that have declared their support for the reelection of Markey in recent weeks include: Local 3, IBEW Electrical Workers; Local 46, Metallic Lathers & Reinforcing Ironworkers Union; Allied Printing Trades Council; Uniformed Fire Officers Association; Mason Tenders’ District Council of Greater NY; 1199 SEIU United Health Care Workers East; and SEIU Local 32BJ, Service Employees International. “I am proud to receive the support of these organizations that represent thousands of Queens and New York City workers,” Markey said. “They recognize that experience counts and that my strong record of accomplishments in Albany has made life better for workers and their families and all New Yorkers.” Making R’wood Greener The Ridgewood Property Owners and Civic Association (RPOCA) recetly submitted two capital budget street tree lists to both of Ridgewood’s City Council members, Elizabeth Crowley and Antonio Reynoso. The lists include over 3,000 street tree locations, with recipients listed by street addresses and house numbers. Among the 333 locations on Crowley’s street tree list include aGrove, Linden, Menahan, Palmetto and Woodbine streets; Catalpa, Gates and Traffic avenues; and numbered strteets. Reynoso’s list has 2,720 sites and includes Centre, Cornelia, Decatur, George, Hancock, Madison, Norman, Stephen, Summerfield and Weirfield streets; Cypress, Onderdonk and Seneca avenues; and numbered streets. The list was collaborated through an extensive study conducted by RPOCA board members. The organization thanks Paul Kerzner, Charles Ober, Peter Comber, Domingo Santos, Luis Rodriguez, John Maier, Carlos Ortiz, Simon Orr and Maryellen Borello for pounding the pavement and identifying sites that need street trees. The RPOCA also thanks Crowley and Reynoso for their support. -SEE TRAIL ON PG. 65- Over the two-year period, nine summonses were given in Community Board 5, which covers Ridgewood Glendale, parts of Middle Village Maspeth and Liberty Park, according to the DSNY. Another way of monitoring the issue is the number of complaints made to 311. In the shared Ridgewood and Glendale ZIP code––11385––234 complaints were called into 311 over the last four years. Complaints to 311 are only cases where a resident has seen an owner not clean up after their dog––different from summons, which must be witnessed by a DSNY enforcement officer in order for a a violation to be issued, a department spokesperson said. -SEE POOP ON PG. 65- DDEENNTTAALL CCAARREE FFOORR TTHHEE EENNTTIRREE FFAAMMILLYY Santa LoCascio, D.D.S., P.C. PRROOVVIDDINNGG PRROOFFESSIOONNAALL && PERRSOONNAALLIZEDD CCAARRE 70-16 FRESH POND RD., RIDGEWOOD, N.Y. ©Times Newsweekly - 2014 - DR.LOCASCIO/A 1-718-628-6588 Our Complete Dental Cleaning (Includes X-ray, Exam & Cleaning) Any Filling, Extraction or Emergency Visit $99 $99 We also accept most insurances Like Us On Facebook News From The RPOCA RRiiddggeewwoooodd PPrrooppeerrttyy OOwwnneerrss AAnndd CCiivviicc AAssssoocciiaattiioonn
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