Community leaders unite to launch “Friends Of Columbus”
intact and not removed. As they have become symbols and inspirations to Italian Americans and the
platforms locally and further out to other regions in near future
Christopher Columbus is more than а historical figure, for Italians he is а source of pride and а symbol of what we have achieved and can achieve as Italians
worldwide. Beyond his voyages, his life, his love of the "New" world it gave us the courage to leave our mother land, our families and соmе to an unknown
world and provide а future for our families. Now, Hundreds of years later, sons and daughters of Columbus have become pillars of society in the daily fabric
of the of the United States of America. Our culture has influenced the life of Americans with our traditions, our music, our food, our religion, our artwork,
and most of all our people. Italians have become judges, politicians, businessmen, community leaders, teachers, artists, professors and homemakers. АІІ
Americans Owe а debt of gratitude to the over 1.5 million Italian-Americans who served in our armed forces during WWII. We have acclimated to the
American way of life and our parents and grandparents have taught us to take pride of being Italian but always remember we are American.
We ltalian-Americans, Columbus is and will always bе the person who was the "First Immigrant". millions of our Italian ancestors came here seeking а better
life due to "One Man" who gave them the courage to соmе and help build this Great Nation.
Our Group, Friends of Columbus а united group of ltalo-American societies has formed to respond and refute the attacks and acts of criminal vandalism of Columbus statues here in New
York. We must challenge the attempts to remove his likeness, slander his name and essentially vacate his memory based on false allegations. Primary source documents and first hand
accounts highlight the notable accomplishments of Columbus as an Italian explorer, navigator and deeply religious personage. Columbus day is celebrated as а day to honor Italian
Heritage and it must not bе simply erased to appease to those who have been duped bу historical revisionists who have lied about him to sell books.
We ask all within our Italian-American community to stand with us and be proud of our heritage, our culture, our religion and yes Christopher Columbus. We also request our American
colleagues join with us in preserving our shared culture, American way of life, our futures, and our great country, the United States of America.
1- Giovanni Silvagni – VP ACINY
2- Joseph Baretta – Societa Di Polizzi Generosa
3- Domenick Giampapa – VP Inter Soccer Club NY
4- Pat Gravino – Queens County Columbian Lawyers
Association (President at the time of the photo)
5- Frank Palmieri – B. O. D. Queensboro UNICO
6- Gaspare Mistretta – President Queensboro UNICO
7- Vincenzo Armano – President Societa Di Polizzi Generosa
8- Michael Addeo – Mt Carmel Brooklyn San Paolino Di Nola
9- Cav . Tony Mule – President Concordia di Partanna
10- Ignazio Terranova – Democratic community leader, Polizzi
11- Honorable Senator Serf Maltese
12- COM. Tony Di Piazza – Chairman ACINY , VP Palermo Calcio
13- John Di Gangi – Chairman Societa Di Polizzi Generosa
14- Jospeh DiPietro – Astoria Italian community
15- Frank Alesci President of Societa di Bisaquino Ridgewood
(pictured in second photo)
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