

for breaking news visit JULY 23, 2015 • times 31 for breaking news visit JULY 23, 2015 • buzz • the Queens Courier 69 victoria’s secrets VICTORIA SCHNEPS-YUNIS [email protected] Matilda Cuomo with her granddaughter and Natalia Quintavalle NYS Commissioner of Cultural Affairs Lisa Robb with former New York State first lady Matilda Cuomo standing in front of Gennaro Regina’s work of art Lisa Robb with Natalia Quintavalle Dynamic for all the news 24 hours, 7 days a week DENTAL go WORK to 175-15 Jamaica avenue, Jamaica 718-297-4100 • 718-297-4106 tweet me @vschneps Free Whitening included Some excluSionS Apply the inViSiBle WAy to StrAighten teeth third generation dentist $1500 off Lumineers $500 off Invisalign Matilda calls, I listen Matilda Cuomo, Italian Consul General Natalia Quintavalle, Emilia Gatto, Representative of the Permanent Mission of Italy to the United Nations, and artist Gennaro Regina Greg Solometo, Sal Cumella and Matilda Cuomo “San Gennaro” by Gennaro Regina As I walked up the steps past the security guards, I entered the huge square surrounded by the majestic un buildings. I’ve been enjoying the view of the UN’s multiple buildings from the LIC side of the city. Seeing it from across the river provides a different sense of its power than being there. I hadn’t been to the complex along the East River running from 44th Street to 46th Street since I was a little girl visiting with my Girl Scout troop. Now I was there at the invitation of Matilda Cuomo, who asked me to attend the opening of an artist, gennaro regina, who impressed her on her visit to Italy. It was also a celebration of the 40th anniversary of Italy being a member of the UN. The sun shone down on the glistening marble edifices as I walked with the Italian ambassador through the guarded doors to the main visitors’ entrance. We passed a remarkable exhibit of norman rockwell’s most famous work, with the painting of the little black girl being escorted by four federal marshals, which is the symbol of the desegregation movement. There were other works surrounded by his sketches and photos of his neighbors posing for his creations. We passed through the silent halls since the place was officially closed. I felt like I was on an endless walk and wished I had worn rubber-soled shoes on the marble floors. But finally I turned a corner and there was Matilda with Gennaro, surrounded by his works of art hanging on all the walls. I was happy to see her smiling face after her painful loss of her beloved husband Mario. She explained to me that she had spent some time in Italy recently and had been taken by the talent of Regina and his portrayal of Naples with powerful colors and multiple “messages.” The Italian Consul General natalia Quintavalle took us over to her favorite work, an oil painting portraying the pope looking at Mount Vesuvius with newspaper articles surrounding the scene. Obviously, I loved this one too. It points to the power of words. It was a sweet visit with our former first lady who had been, 30 years ago, my first interview at her home in Holliswood, when I began The Queens Courier. What a journey...

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