FOR BREAKING NEWS VISIT july 23, 2015 • TIMES 11 ElEctrolysis By rita PErmanEnt Hair rEmoval cErtiFiEd ElEctrologist in BusinEss ovEr 20 yEars! call FrEE consultation 718-& 15 min. 541-trEatmEnt For 9052 nEw cliEnts RIDGEWOOD OFFICE PRODUCTS CENTER • Space Planning • Interior Design & Layout • Safes/Shredders • Printing / Copies/ Fax Service • Blumberg Legal Forms/Leases • Wedding Invitations/ Foreign Languages Celebrating Our 70th Anniversary (1945-2015) Full Line of Art Supplies in stock SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT WEDNESDAYS Thank you GuildNet. Now that Mom is safe at home, my job is more secure, too. As parents age, caretaking often falls to their adult children and families, especially if they are visually impaired. With GuildNet’s long term care plans loved ones can get the help they need to stay safe in their homes. Please call us. We speak your language. Call 888-722-4040 TTY 800-662-1220 or visit “YOUR ONE-STOP SHOP FOR ALL YOUR BUSINESS NEEDS” DISCOUNTED OFFICE FURNITURE 67-16 FRESH POND ROAD (Near M Station) 1-718-386-3266 GuildNet Long Term Care Plans GuildNet can handle your medical details of daily living, from scheduling therapy visits to requesting prescription refills and making appointments for transportation. We are a program of Lighthouse Guild, which has been providing quality services for thousands of men, women and children since 1905. That’s a lot of care. We are a leading healthcare provider and we can help you make smart, informed choices about your healthcare or the care of a loved one. Call 888-722-4040 TTY 800-662-1220 or visit
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