

30 times • JULY 23, 2015 FOR BREAKING NEWS VISIT FOR BReaKinG neWS ViSiT scott Baron’s star oF Queens star Felice HannaH North Shore towerS MeMber of the board of directorS Background: Felice Hannah was born in North Carolina and raised in New York City. Her father passed away, leaving her mother to raise three daughters by herself. Hannah said that her mother’s advice was to “set goals and work to achieve them, be proud of who you are, take time to help others and get an education.” occupation: Upon graduating from nursing school, Hannah received her first job as a nurse. She loved nursing, but soon realized that it wasn’t her passion. She later decided to become a teacher. Hannah retired from the New York City Board of Education as an administrator. Prior to her retirement she also worked as an adjunct professor. community involvement: In 2013, Felice Hannah was the first African-American elected to the North Shore Towers board of directors as the political action chairperson. “I was lucky to select a group of dedicated individuals to work with me in bringing many candidates for political offices and elected officials to North Shore Towers,” Hannah said. The group presented monthly seminars and workshops on health, domestic violence awareness, voting procedures, fire safety, understanding co-op abatements and taxes, and avoiding identity theft. Currently Hannah organizes workshops for her retiree union. She is also a volunteer for the Board of Elections and a volunteer as a state-certified Medicare consultant. Her responsibilities as a Medicare volunteer include assisting individuals in navigating the complexities of the health care system and to access their benefits. “Nothing warms my heart more than when I am able to access services and benefits that will allow a person who is living alone with a chronic disease to remain in their homes with dignity upon their request,” Hannah said. Biggest challenge: “My biggest challenge through all of the adversity has been to keep my eyes on the prize and to maintain a positive attitude about myself,” Hannah said. greatest achievement: Hannah’s greatest achievement was becoming a mother and raising her two children to believe and achieve. “As an African-American woman, I have been faced with many, many challenges,” Hannah said. Biggest inspiration: Hannah is greatly inspired by her mother, as well African-American historical figures who triumphed in the face of adversity, such as Sojourner Truth, Dr. Alexa Canady, Janet Collins, Eva Jessye and Shirley Chisholm. By Brooke Rutman brought to you by SCOTT BARON & ASSOCIATES, P.C. Attorneys & Counselors at Law 1-866-WAS-HURT (866) 927-4878 718.738.9800 oF queens CUTLER’S REPAIRS 12 years this LED be saving 10%ANY With Coupon.Limit 1 Excludes CUTLER’S 516-The law is general;159-49 HOIST Q: At to ferry were directed top, I was The rail I have fact that A: Under The hoist rail was cause of Under negligence,a force like you. Under a violation While nothing identify SUMMER MADNESS We Already Had The Lowest Prices in NYC But We’ve Just Lowered Them Again Our LOWEST PRICES EVER and our Thanks to YOU! Implant $100, Final Abutment $100 Porcelain Crown $800 Total Cost .................................$900 Total Cost* $900 60 YEARS IN BUSINESS... WHY PAY MORE FOR THE SAME QUALITY? Offer Good thru 7/31/2015 Oral Examination ..........................................................FREE Consultation .................................................................FREE Xray ...............................................................................$50 Acrylic Crowns ..............................................................$100 Enamel Bonds per Tooth ..............................................$100 Laser Bleaching (per arch) ...........................................$150 Extractions Simple .......................................................$50 Root Canals 1 Canal .....................................................$250 2 Canals ...................................................$350 3 Canals ...................................................$550 Porcelain Crowns .........................................................$1000 OVERDENTURES WITH IMPLANTS........................$4500 PER UPPER OR LOWER USUAL & CUSTOMARY FEE ................................$7500 DR. ROBERT WINEGARDEN D.D.S. CONVENIENTLY LOCATED IN Midtown Manhattan 57 W 57th St., Suite 610 • 212-753-0123 DISCOUNTED PARKING! 12 MONTHS INTEREST FREE & 5 YEAR PAYMENT PLAN AVAILABLE Oral Surgeon and Periodontist on staff CALL FOR FREE CONSULTATION 1-800-287-TEETH 212-753-0123 *Implant, Abutment and crown must be completed at our offices to qualify for promotional fees. New patients only. Additional charges may occur for more complex cases. Ad must be presented for discounted prices.

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