29 • TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 2014 All the World Cup games being shown live, with extra screens and room for the Germany games! Join us for complimentary pretzel roll sandwiches and lots of action during the Germany games! SUBSCRIBE TO THE Times Newsweekly Established in 1908 as Ridgewood Times Serving All Queens And Brooklyn + BEST Community Coverage + LARGEST Classified Pages + MORE Local Features & Columns FOR ONLY $2500 A YEAR You Can Get The Times Newsweekly Mailed To Your Home For 52 Weeks ($30.00 Outside Queens & Brooklyn) FILL IN COUPON AND MAIL WITH CHECK NAME__________________________________________ ADDRESS______________________________________ _______________________________________________ CITY___________________________ ZIP_____________ PHONE_____________________________________________ _(circle one) NEW SUBSCRIPTION RENEWAL WE ACCEPT ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS CALL 1-718-821-7500 Times Newsweekly P.O. Box 860299, Ridgewood, N.Y. 11386-0299 CK Welcomes New Eucharist Ministers Fr. Frank Spacek, chaplain at Christ the King High School, class of ’88, installed six new Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion at the end of year school mass on Tuesday, June 17. Each of the six completed the Liturgy Workshop sponsored by the Brooklyn Diocese at Bishop Ford on Saturday, April 26 and were approved by their pastors as candidates. The Eucharistic Ministers will distribute Holy Communion at all the school masses and be eligible to serve in their home parishes according to the need and discretion of their pastors. Pictured are Installed Eucharistic Ministers Aaron Arana, Edison Cahuana, Meagan Fontanez, Juan Obregon, Elizabeth Quagliariello and Frankelly Rosado, along with Principal Peter Mannarino, Spacek and Campus Minister Sr. Elizabeth Graham. Ridgewood Students Are Ready For College Grover Cleveland High School students Rosa Tenezaca and Eric Ballard are heading off to college in the fall. They are pictured with teachers Amy Visintainer and Diane Pena and volunteer Andy Gouzoulis at the school. Tenezaca will be attending LaGuardia Community College where she plans to major in drama and education. Ballard will be attending Manhattanville College. He was accepted into their music program and plans to major in music and education. ©Times Newsweekly - 2014- ZUM 69-46 through 40 Myrtle Ave, Glendale, NY
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