58-01 COOPER AVE. RIDGEWOOD NY 11385 347-513-4915 BAD CREDIT• NO CREDIT • NO PROBLEM TAX ID CREDIT•CARFAX AVAILABLE • WE ACCEPT ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS 22000099 MMeerrcceeddeess--BBeennzz SS--CCllaassss SS6633 Price:$49,995 Mileage:56,521 AMG, 4DR, SEDAN V8 6.3L RUNS LIKE NEW, Automatic 7- Speed 22000066 NNiissssaann PPaatthhffiinnddeerr Price: $7,395 Mileage:146,099 6-Cylinder V6, 4.0L 5 Speed Automatic MUST SEE 22000055 FFoorrdd EExxppeeddiittiioonn EEddddiiee BBaauueerr Price: $5,995 Mileage:134,012 4WD 8-Cylinder V8, 5.4L; SOHC 4 Speed Automatic 22000011 AAccuurraa MMDDXX TToouurriinngg Price: $4,350 Mileage:161,433 4WD, 4DR, SUV, 3.5L V6 RUNS GREAT MUST SEE 22000055 KKiiaa SSoorreennttoo LLXX Price: $2,955 Mileage:131,474 4WD, 4DR, SUV , 3.5L V6, LIKE NEW 22000033 TTooyyoottaa SSeeqquuooiiaa SSRR55 Price: $5,995 Mileage:137,223 4.7L V8Automatic 4-SpeeD, RUNS GREAT 2003 Lexus GS 300 Price: $5,995 Mileage:151,766 6-Cylinder L6, 3.0L; DOHC 24V; VVT-i RUNS GREAT 22000022 GGMMCC SSaaffaarrii SSLLEE Price: $3,995 Mileage:118,223 AWD, 3DR, Minivan 4.3L V6 Automatic 4-Speed 22000077 DDooddggee CChhaarrggeerr BBaassee Price: $7,900 Mileage:129,396 AWD, 4DR, SEDAN 3.5L V6, RUNS GREAT, Automatic 5-Speed 22000055 DDooddggee MMaaggnnuumm SSEE Price: $5,900 Mileage:88,205 4DR, Wagon 2.7L V6 ,Automatic 4-Speed 22000055 FFoorrdd EExxpplloorreerr XXLLTT Price: $4,900 Mileage:124,507 4WD, 4DR, SUV 4.0L V6 Automatic 5-Speed 22000066 FFoorrdd EEssccaappee XXLLSS Price: $5,900 Mileage:136,012 AWD,4DR,SUV (2.3L I4 4A) Automatic 4-Speed 22000066 NNiissssaann XXtteerrrraa SS Price: $8,900 Mileage:77,161 4DR, SUV, 4WD (4L V6 6M) CLEAN MUST SEE 22000044 CChhrryysslleerr PPaacciiffiiccaa AAWWDD Price: $3,995 Mileage:146,478 6-Cylinder V6, 3.5L 4 Speed Automatic MUST SEE 22000077 TTooyyoottaa SSiieennnnaa LLEE Price:$7,900 Mileage:145,802 7-Passenger, 4DR Minivan,3.5L V6 ,Automatic 5-Speed 22000044 NNiissssaann MMaaxxiimmaa SSLL Price: $5,900 Mileage: 133,354 6-Cylinder V6, 3.5L MUST SEE 22000055 JJeeeepp GGrraanndd CChheerrookkeeee LLiimmiitteedd Price: $5,995 Mileage:137,240 4WD 8-Cylinder 4.7L V8 SOHC 16V 6 Speed Automatic 22000044 FFoorrdd EEssccaappee XXLLTT Price: $4,900 Mileage:120,510 4WD 6-Cylinder V6, 3.0L; DOHC 24V; SEFI, CLEAN MUST SEE 22000066 FFoorrdd EExxpplloorreerr XXLLTT Price: $5,950 Mileage:104,500 4DR,SUV,4.0L V6 Automatic 5-Speed MUST SEE 22000077 HHoonnddaa AAccccoorrdd Price: $6,995 Mileage:128,335 Special Edition, V-6, 4DR, Sedan 3.0L Automatic 5-Speed 22000033 LLiinnccoollnn NNaavviiggaattoorr Price: $5,995 Mileage:126,424 Luxury, 4WD, 4DR, SUV, 5.4L V8, MUST SEE LIKE NEW 22000077 NNiissssaann QQuueesstt 33..55 SS Price: $6,900 Mileage:111,279 4DR Minivan, 3.5L V6,Automatic 5- Speed Runs Great 22000055 NNiissssaann MMuurraannoo Price: $6,995 Mileage: 142,331 3.5L V6 CVT RUNS GREAT 22000055 HHoonnddaa OOddyysssseeyy EEXX--LL Price: $7,900 Mileage:129,628 4DR, Leather Minivan, (3.5 6CY 5A) MUST SEE 22000088 DDooddggee DDuurraannggoo SSXXTT Price: $6,995 Mileage:130,099 4.7L V8 Automatic 5-Speed 22000033 FFoorrdd EExxpplloorreerr XXLLTT Price: $3,995 Mileage:155,312 6-Cylinder,4WD V6, 4.0L (244 CID); FFV 5 Speed Automatic 22000044 BBMMWW XX55 44..44ii Price: $7,900 Mileage:141,590 AWD, 4DR, SUV 4.4L V8 Automatic 6-Speed 22000033 CCaaddiillllaacc EEssccaallaaddee EEXXTT Price: $7,995 Mileage:140,310 Sport Utility Truck 8-Cylinder V8, 6.0L; High Output; MFI 4 Speed Automatic 22000044 AAccuurraa MMDDXX TToouurriinngg Price: $7,900 Mileage:147,732 Rear Entertainment System, Navigation, AWD, 4DR,SUV 2007 Mercury Mountaineer Price: $6,995 Mileage:106,156 Luxury, 4.0L, AWD 6-Cylinder V6, SOHC 12V 22000044 HHoonnddaa OOddyysssseeyy EEXX Price: $4,995 Mileage:138,800 Leather, DVD, 6-Cylinder V6, 3.5L RUNS GREAT 22000099 DDooddggee GGrraanndd CCaarraavvaann SSEE Price: $6,900 Mileage:145,014 Passenger, Mini Van, 4DR, RWD 3.3L V6 MUST SEE 4TH OF JULY BLOWOUT 4TH OF JULY BLOWOUT 4TH OF JULY BLOWOUT 4TH OF JULY BLOWOUT 4TH OF JULY BLOWOUT 17 • TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 2014
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