

26 times • JUNE 25, 2015 FOR BREAKING NEWS VISIT For BreaKInG neWS VISIT scott Baron’s star oF Queens Mary Donahue Community Board 11 memBer, retiree star Background: Mary Donahue was born in Manhattan. She went to school in the city and later moved to Auburndale, where she’s resided for the past 50 years. She is currently retired after years of working as a medical secretary for a medical director at LED Industry Association. Mary is married and has two sons and four grandchildren. She enjoys devoting much of her time to helping her neighborhood and the environment. c o m m u n i t y involvement: “I like being involved,” Donahue said. In 1973, Mary helped 45th Avenue and 167th Street put up a stoplight. A group of people in her neighborhood marched back and forth for two days straight to stop traffic. The principal of the school nearby later received a phone call, and during that summer a stoplight was put up and has been there ever since. She is the president of the 46th Avenue Beautification Committee that she started with two other women that same year. They currently have a perpetual permit to beautify parts of the avenue and used their own money to help put plants in the area. Donahue also helped plant a memorial garden at St. Kevin’s Church from donations that were made. Additionally, Donahue helped with the rezoning of Auburndale by attending meetings and putting her two cents in, and is currently a member of the Auburndale Improvement Association. She is the chairperson of community affairs for the Civics Committee of the local chapter of AARP. Her community involvement recently grew after being appointed to serve on Community Board 11. Biggest challenge: “Four years ago, 18 homes were flooded after the rain,” she said. “There were very low curbs at the time, and driveways that went down into basements were damaged. It was a very big challenge. The whole thing took months to recover.” greatest achievement: “The memorial garden by St. Kevin’s Church,” Donahue said. The garden extends throughout the block. She didn’t have much help with the memorial garden either, since it’s not something that people would necessarily want to volunteer for. “Also fighting City Hall for the street to be remilled. To have the job done right, instead of basements being flooded,” Donahue said. Donahue has been presented with two awards for her outstanding work in community service: an Auburndale Improvement Association award, and an AARP award that was presented to her in 2014. Biggest inspiration: “The community,” Donahue said. “I like to keep the community stable and safe. I’ve also always liked to help people. When there were problems, I wanted to help out somehow.” BY BROOKE RUTMAN brought to you by SCOTT BARON & ASSOCIATES, P.C. Attorneys & Counselors at Law 1-866-WAS-HURT (866) 927-4878 718.738.9800 oF queens CUTLER’S REPAIRS 12 years this LED be saving 10%ANY With Coupon.Limit Excludes CUTLER’S 516-VOW VALUING Department the Aging Cleaning & Maintenance Where perfection is not an accident! 718-894-0400 Magic Touch Cleaning & Maintenance provides quality service to all customers. No jobs are too big or too small. Commercial and Residential Cleaning and Maintenance Specialists in cleaning all types of awnings and canopies. SERVICES INCLUDE: •Sidewalk Restoration •Gum Removal •Vinyl Floors Stripping •Vinyl Floors Waxing •Tile Floor Restoration •Grout Restoration •Graffiti Removal •Window Cleaning •Bird (Pigeon) Control •Construction Clean-up •House Detailing •Office Cleaning •Light Bulb Maintenance •Power Washing •Carpet Cleaning •Property Maintenance •Parking Lot Maintenance •Snow Plowing Ask for our Specials on Office Cleaning. ****10% Discount with this ad**** 60-68 Metropolitan ave., ridgewood, nY Call Now & End Your Tax Nightmare! • Owe the IRS more than $10,000? • Being Audited? • Unfi led Tax Returns? • Wage & Bank Levies? Co-Author of the best selling book “Breaking the Tax Code” (T) 877-TAX-1040 (F) 718-894-4476 Salvatore P. Candela, EA, ATA, ABA Enrolled Agent - Tax Advisor [email protected]

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