13 • TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 12, 2014 AA..JJ.. VVIILLLLAAGGEE CCHHEEMMIISSTT IISS CCEELLEEBBRRAATTIINNGG TTHHEEIIRR 44 YYEEAARR AANNNNIIVVEERRSSAARRYY aanndd wwee wwoouulldd lliikkee ttoo tthhaannkk tthhee MMiiddddllee VViillllaaggee // MMaassppeetthh // GGlleennddaallee ccoommmmuunniittyy ffoorr aallll ooff tthheeiirr ssuuppppoorr tt. We would not be here if it was not for their patronage and loyalty. We are very grateful for our customers and you can count on us to be here for you in the future. Unlike the larger chain shops, we believe in providing one-on-one service. We’ll work with each person’s specific needs to ensure satisfaction and create an atmosphere where our customers feel at home while their prescriptions are being filled. We’re like one big family here. This is your traditional mom and pop place just how it was many years ago and we plan to keep it that way! *Hablamos Español *Parliamo Italiano * Vorbim Romana *Mówimy po polsku WE WILL MMAATTCCHH OORR BBEEAATT ANY COMPETITORS ADVERTISED PRICE!!! WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD!! HEALTH CARE NUTRITIONAL PRODUCTS PRESCRIPTIONS SURGICAL SUPPLIES FREE PICKUP FREE DELIVERY www.villagechemist.com ATTENTION NYC Sanitation Workers - No out of pocket Expenses for Medications at BOTH locations. WE NOW ACCEPT ALL INSURANCE PLANS! ©Times Newsweekly - 2014 - AJSVILL STORE HOURS MON - FRI 9AM-9PM SATURDAY 9AM-7PM SUNDAY 10AM-6PM Joseph LaSala, Pharm.D. “The Pharmacy You Can Trust” We cater to the needs of all of our customers. 74-05 Metropolitan Ave, Middle Village NY 11379 Tel: (718) 894-9000•Fax: (718) 894-9001
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