Persons arrested in recent police
actions as reported by the 104th
Precinct include the following:
May 14: (Beat 3) Joshua Vega, at Myrtle
Avenue, for assault, by Det. Bazilio.
(Beat 3) Lorenzo Ortiz, at Myrtle
Avenue, for criminal obstruction of
breathing, by Det. Bublin. (Beat 10)
Kashawn Parker, at Maurice Avenue
and Long Island Expressway, for assault,
by Det. Gerardi. (Beat 2) Crystal
Hampson, at Myrtle Avenue, for petit
larceny, by P.O. Hendrick. (Beat 16)
Carlos Lebron, at Cooper Avenue, for
assault, by Det. Moon. (Beat 16) Melissa
Djordjevic, at Cooper Avenue, for
petit larceny, by P.O. Lincifort. (Beat
10) Christian Sulse, at 59th Avenue, for
assault, by P.O. Kennedy-Brown.
May 15: (Beat 15) Luis Dominguez-Ortegano,
at Harman Street, for assault,
by P.O. Bogle. (Beat 2) Jonathan Delgado,
at Cornelia Street, for grand
larceny, by Det. Gerardi.
May 16: (Beat 14) Patrick Roelofsen,
at Admiral Avenue, for criminal obstruction
of breathing, by P.O. Campoverde.
(Beat 13) Miguel Jimenez, at
Flushing Avenue and 57th Street, for
DWI, by P.O. Santos. (Beat 15) Bagner
C. Cardoso, at Grandview Avenue and
Stanhope Street, for aggravated unlicensed
operator, by P.O. Gutierrez.
(Beat 3) Angel Cordero, at Stephen
Street, for criminal contempt, by P.O.
Vazquez. (Beat 13) Yongnian Wang,
at 49th Place, for grand larceny, by
Detectives Moon and Rogers. (Beat
4) James P. Ditta, at Fresh Pond Road,
for petit larceny, by P.O. Khela. (Beat
10) Erika V. Alvarez, at Forest Avenue,
for assault, by P.O. Jaswal. (Beat 5)
James Ditta, at Myrtle Avenue, for
criminal contempt, by Det. Glowa.
(Beat 2) Nicole Cruz, at Myrtle Avenue,
for petit larceny, by Det. Lodato.
(Beat 10) Catherine E. Campoverde,
at Forest Avenue, for assault, by P.O.
Jaswal. (Beat 2) Nicole Cruz, at Myrtle
Avenue, for petit larceny, by P.O. Hendrick.
(Beat 2) Juan Delgado, at Myrtle
Avenue, for criminal mischief and
petit larceny, by Detectives Feldman
and Demarco and P.O. Johnson.
May 17: (Beat 3) Zacarias A. Gregorio,
at Myrtle Avenue, for theft of service,
by P.O. Defreitas. (Beat 12) Mario Sasic,
at Woodhaven Boulevard, for criminal
contempt, by Det. Demarco. (Beat 8)
Nilcila Richardson and Daisy Lagos, at
Long Island Expressway, for assault, by
P.O. Bayizian. (Beat 15) Elijah Sanabria,
at Himrod Street, for grand larceny and
obstruction of governmental administration,
by Det. Lodato and P.O. Alvarez.
May 18: (Beat 11) Alejandro Godinez,
at Myrtle Avenue, for DWI, by P.O.
Mancini. (Beat 11) Natalia Mrzyglod, at
Metropolitan Avenue and Woodhaven
Boulevard, for assault, by Det. Scrimenti.
(Beat 15) Ryan J. Hammer, at
Grandview Avenue and Grove Street,
for aggravated unlicensed operator, by
P.O. Dowal. (Beat 6) Herbert Benejam,
at 84th Street, for criminal possession
of a weapon, by P.O. Teemsma.
May 19: (Beat 5) Terry Seecharan, at
70th Street, for aggravated harassment,
by Det. Bazilio. (Beat 5) Steven Tolentino,
at Cooper Avenue, for aggravated
unlicensed operator, by P.O. McGuire.
(Beat 8) Arturo Hernandez-Cabrera, at
53rd Drive, for criminal mischief, by
P.O. Finnerty. (Beat 14) Frank Ligouri, at
60th Avenue, for assault, by P.O. Whyte.
May 20: (Beat 5) Edith E. Sattos-Merino,
at Central Avenue, for assault, by P.O.
Nisbett. (Beat 5) Troy Fulmore, at 57th
Street and Clover Place, for aggravated
unlicensed operator, by P.O. Casella.
The 104th Precinct, located at 64-02
Catalpa Ave. in Ridgewood, can be
reached by calling 718-386-3004. It
was noted that all criminal charges are
accusations, and all persons listed in
this blotter are presumed innocent until
proven guilty.
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Compiled by Jenna Bagcal and Robert Pozarycki
It’s one thing to rob a Queens business;
it’s another to be a jerk about it.
Cops are looking for a gloating bandit
who robbed a Rego Park clothing
store at gunpoint last week — then
stuck his tongue out at store offi cials
as he fl ed.
Law enforcement sources said the
suspect made a visit to the Burlington
store in the Rego Center mall, located
at 96-05 Queens Blvd., at 2:30 p.m. on
May 17. While inside, he grabbed numerous
items and attempted to leave
without paying for them.
Authorities said security guards
tried to stop the suspect before he
could exit. When they approached,
police said, the perpetrator displayed
what appeared to be a fi rearm in his
waistband. He then exited the store,
carrying a black bag with him.
Security camera footage outside
the Burlington store’s entrance shows
the suspect sticking his tongue out at
people inside the store, then — before
fl eeing down a stairwell to the parking
garage — making hand gestures as if
daring someone to chase him.
Police described the suspect as a
black man between 20 and 30 years of
age wearing all-dark clothing.
Anyone with information regarding
the robbery or the suspect’s
whereabouts can call Crime Stoppers
at 800-577-TIPS (for Spanish, dial
888-57-PISTA), visit nypdcrimestoppers.
com or send a text message to
274637 (CRIMES), then enter TIP577.
All calls and messages are kept
confi dential.
Police Commissioner James
O’Neill visited with members of the
112th Precinct Community Council
at their May 16 meeting in Forest
Hills, and spoke about the ongoing
crime decline across the city.
The commissioner, along with
Queens Borough President Melinda
Katz were two of the honored guests
at Wednesday’s meeting in Forest
Hills. In addition, 13 new graduates
from the police academy were also
in attendance.
“Things in the city right now are
good, and when I speak, I don’t just
speak about things in the NYPD, but
things in New York City. 2017, we
haven’t seen crime numbers like
that since the early 1950s, and that’s
a good thing. We had 292 homicides
last year in New York City — 292 too
many, of course, but look back at
1990, there were 2,245 homicides in
this city,” O’Neill said.
The commissioner also praised
the efforts of the 112th Precinct,
which is responsible for areas
of Forest Hills and Rego Park. He
highlighted the work of the precinct’s
commanding offi cer, Deputy
Inspector Robert Ramos, and Deputy
Chief Juanita Holmes, commander
of Patrol Borough Queens North,
saying that “one day she might be
standing in my shoes.”
“Rob continues to do a great job
in the 112th, and Juanita is doing a
great job out here in Queens North.
Her dedication, not only to the men
and women of the NYPD, but to the
people of the city, and her ability
to establish relationships in the
community and build on those
relationships, is really something
special,” he said.
Photo: Jenna Bagcal/RIDGEWOOD TIMES