18 MAY 4, 2017 RIDGEWOOD TIMES WWW.QNS.COM MOTHER'S DAY 3 gift ideas to ease a stressed mom’s mind Stress can take its toll on the body, mind and soul. Make special occasions brighter with these gift ideas that help promote rest and relaxation, while alleviating tension, stress and anxiety. YOGA CLASS Yoga is associated with a wealth of health benefi ts, including stress reduction. For seasoned yogis, consider assisting loved ones with their practice. Great yoga accessories and gear, or a gift certifi cate to a favorite studio would be much appreciated. For newbies, you might want to start smaller with a pass to one or two classes. ANYTIME MASSAGE “The medical community increasingly views massage as a necessary tool for achieving optimal health, not just as an extravagance,” says Randi N. West, a licensed massage therapist. “And everyone — from desk workers to active individuals to moms who oft en report back pain from lift ing children — can benefi t from massage therapy in terms of injury prevention and improved exercise performance.” Research suggests the benefi ts of massage include reduced muscle tension, stress and pain; and an increase in serotonin and dopamine. But regular massage therapy can be expensive and time-consuming. Give a gift that keeps on giving with an at-home massage cushion that can be used daily as a self-care tool. For a stylish option that won’t get buried in the closet and forgotten, check out M Cushion, which looks like a stylish designer pillow, but actually off ers four shiatsu massage nodes, soothing heat and comforting memory foam. “I use it to relieve my body aches aft er a busy day providing massage services to my clients,” says West. More information can be found at mcushion.com. MEAL-KIT SERVICE Busy work weeks can mean scrambling around in the evening to put dinner on the table. Your gift recipients may fi nd themselves resorting to pizza delivery more oft en than they like. To help take the stress out of healthy weekday dinners, consider gift ing a meal-kit plan to someone you love. When birthdays and special occasions roll around, look to healthy gift s that can help reduce stress in the lives of people you care about. Courtesy StatePoint A Perfect Present for Mom GIFT IDEAS TO CELEBRATE MOTHER’S DAY Mothers are loving, patient, compassionate and strong. They deserve to be recognized for all they do and treated to a little pampering once in a while. This Mother’s Day, make sure to give a special thanks to all of the moms out there who inspire you every day. Use this gift guide to fi nd a Mother’s Day present that she is sure to love. BRIGHTEN HER DAY Give mom a sparkling gift that she will cherish year aft er year. To house all of her favorite fresh-cut fl owers, give her the beautiful Mikasa Palazzo 12-Inch Vase. Craft ed in glittering crystal, it features an exquisite basket weave design that brilliantly shimmers in the light. The Palazzo Vase, available at Macy’s for $39.99, is a dazzling and timeless piece sure to brighten her day for years to come. To fi nd more Mother’s Day gift ideas from Mikasa, visit www.macys.com. TREAT HER TO A CLEAN HOUSE Show mom how much you care by lending her your cleaning skills this Mother’s Day. She’ll appreciate being able to relax and enjoy a clean house without having to lift a fi nger. Make the job easier with the Oreck Magnesium RS. The powerful cleaner weighs in at only 7.7 pounds and its steerable low profi le allows you to get into hard-to-reach places. It’s built with a durable magnesium alloy frame and comes with a seven-year warranty, making it a great gift for any occasion. For more information, visit www.oreck.com. NURTURE HER GREEN THUMB If mom has a knack for gardening, consider gift ing her a new set of tools for her collection. Pair a stylish set of gardening gloves with ergonomic and lightweight hand tools. If she already has a nice trowel and hand fork, look for a set of pruners that rotates towards her when squeezed, helping to reduce wrist strain. You can round out the gift with a brightly colored, enamel-coated watering can or a nice gardening tote to store it all in. CHARM HER HEART Celebrate Mother’s Day with a gift set from Pandora Jewelry. The limited edition, 14-karat gold and sterling silver Vintage Heart charm comes with a porcelain jewelry box for $75. Combine this charm with the hundreds of other Pandora charms to create a bracelet as unique as the one you love. Choose pieces that celebrate her interests, hobbies, unforgettable moments and personal style. For more gift ideas or to locate an authorized retailer, visit www. pandora.net. Courtesy of Family Features
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