13-Month CD1
or IRA CD2
For Consumer & Business
New Money required to open these
accounts. Minimum balance of at least
$10,000.00 to receive this
Annual Percentage Yield. IRA CD
minimum balance of at least $5,500.00
to receive this APY.
Money Market Maximizer 3
For Consumer & Business
with a YourStyle®Checking
or Business Checking Account
New Money required to open these
accounts. Minimum balance of at least
$25,000.00 to receive this APY.
Grow Your
Visit a branch and take advantage today! | 855-iBank4U•investorsbank.com
1. Beginning 4/19/2018, open a Consumer or Business 13-month CD with new money. A minimum balance of at least $10,000.00 is required to receive an Annual Percentage Yield (APY)of 2.10%. New Money is defined
as money not on deposit at Investors Bank after 10/1/2017. The Maximum amount deposited in this promotional account is $2,000,000.00. Penalties may apply for early withdrawal prior to maturity. Government and
Financial Institution accounts are excluded from these offers. This offer may be withdrawn at any time without notice.
2. Beginning 4/19/2018, open an IRA 13-month CD with new money. A minimum balance of at least $5,500.00 New Money is required to receive an APY of 2.10%. New Money is defined as money not on deposit at Investors
Bank after 10/1/2017. The Maximum amount deposited in this promotional account is $2,000,000.00. Penalties may apply for early withdrawal prior to maturity. Government and Financial Institution accounts are
excluded from these offers. This offer may be withdrawn at any time without notice.
3. Beginning 4/20/2018, open a Money Market Maximizer with new money. You must deposit $10,000.00 to open this account. To qualify for the Consumer Money Market Maximizer Account (MMMA) Offer, you must open
and maintain a a YourStyle® Checking Account. To qualify for the Business Money Market Maximizer Account you must open and maintain an Investors Business Checking Account. New Money is defined as money not on
deposit with Investors Bank after 10/1/2017. The rates and APYs disclosed are the minimum rates and APYs in effect for one (1) year from the date of account opening. A minimum balance of $25,000.00 is required to
earn 1.75% Annual percentage yield (APY); balances between $10,000.00 and $24,999.99 earn 1.00% APY; balances under $10,000.00 and above $5,000,000.00 earn .05% APY. A minimum balance of $2,500.00 is
required to avoid a monthly fee of $12.00 on both Consumer and Business MMMAs. After one year, these promotional MMMAs will change to the prevailing Consumer or Business Money Market Account with tiered variable
interest rate structure. The current tiered rate structure for Consumer MMAs is as follows: If your daily balance is $500.00 to $2,499.99 you will receive a rate and APY of 0.05%; if your daily balance is $2,500.00 and
over you will receive a rate and APY of 0.10%. After one year from the opening date of the Consumer MMMA, a minimum balance of $500.00 must be maintained to avoid a monthly fee of $7.50. Government and Financial
Institution accounts are excluded from these offers. This offer may be withdrawn at any time without notice. Rates are current as of 04/18/2018.
or IRA Checking