Talk of Target moving to Rentar Plaza
box store may be relocating to Rentar
Plaza at 66-26 Metropolitan Ave. in
Middle Village, the shopping center
could not confi rm this was the case.
“At this time I cannot confirm
that,” Felice Bassin from Rentar
Development, which operates Rentar
Plaza, said when QNS contacted her
on April 10.
Councilman Robert Holden took a
welcome approach to the prospect of
Target relocating into Middle Village
claiming it would add value his
constituents would cash in on.
“I’m hopeful that Target is in fact
coming to the Rentar Plaza because
I think that would be a great use of
the space and my constituents would
benefi t from it,” Holden said. “I would
also welcome other stores from Queens
Place, if that mall ends up closing, to
help fi ll the void at Rentar Plaza and
add value to it once again.”
A spokesman for Cushman &
Wakefi eld, who operate Queens Place,
declined to comment.
Rentar has been though at least
three rounds with Community Board
5 to make major changes to their
property to attract new retailers aft er
Toys R Us and Kmart closed, leaving a
massive vacancies in their space.
Rentar was attempting to redeem
the situation by subdividing the
190,000 total square feet of space as the
trend continues of big-box retailers
downsizing and expand their loading
bay access.
Two additional bays will need to be
added to the eight already on the south
end of the property.
The new truck entrance will still
face Metropolitan Avenue, but 18-
wheelers will pull straight into a zone
to be built within the property 4 feet
below street level and protected by a
retaining wall to allow trucks to back
in without eff ecting traffi c on busy
street and without putting pedestrians
going to and from the M train at risk.
In January, local residents created
a Change.org petition calling
on Target to take Rentar Plaza
into consideration.
Read more online at QNS.com.
Max Parrott contributed to this
The question is up in the air as
to whether Target’s Elmhurst
store will relocate aft er it was
announced at the Community Board
4 meeting the corporation has its eye
on space in Middle Village.
Louis Walker, Community Board
4’s chair, told attendees at the Tuesday
night meeting that Target in Elmhurst
at Queens Place is closing at the
end of December.
But the big-box retailer did not
confi rm the claim when contacted by
QNS. A spokesperson for Target said
that the company had no plans to close
that location.
Walker’s account also left it unclear
whether or not the corporation would
choose another location in Queens or
what would happen to the space if
they vacate.
“That’s a rather large parcel of land,
so we should be quite concerned
what’s going to end up in that space
if it doesn’t remain a mall,” Walker
said. “A lot of the brick-and-mortar
stores anywhere have problems
surviving and this would just add to
that situation … The Target will move
to Middle Village where the Kmart
used to be.”
Walker added that he was
disappointed that Target did not
want to move to the former Sears
location on Queens Boulevard, which
he said leaves employees of the store
in a “very awkward position” during
the holidays.
While Walker indicated that the big-
Miller meets Glendale civic
Assemblyman Mike Miller spoke at the April Glendale Property Owners
Association meeting at St. Pancras Pfeifer Hall. He provided a brief New
York State budget summary update and spoke about two upcoming
events his offi ce is hosting. Those events include a recycling event
he’s co-sponsoring with state Senator Joe Addabbo on April 28 at the
Forest Park Bandshell parking lot, and a mammography bus visit on
may 29 outside his offi ce on Woodhaven Boulevard in Woodhaven.
To sign up for an appointment on the mammogram bus, call Miller’s
offi ce at 718-805-0950. The Glendale Property Owners Association
meets on the fi rst Thursday each month at 7:30 p.m. at St. Pancras
Pfeifer Hall, Myrtle Avenue and 68th Street.
Photo courtesy of Assemblyman Mike Miller’s offi ce