Photos via Twitter/@NYPD104Pct and BobHoldenNYC
The Kiwanis Club of Ridgewood 3-2-1 recently donated 25 “Blessing Bags” to Wyckoff Heights Medical Center
(WHMC) and Maternal and Infant Community Health Collaboratives (MICHC) to assist expectant mothers with
much needed items for parenting. Each backpack is embroidered and fi lled with diapers, wipes, onesies, a
Care Bear, receiving blankets and more. Every mother who delivers a baby at Wyckoff Heights will be off ered
a Blessing Bag, and will be able to get refi lls from MICHC if needed. Shown at a recent presentation are (from
left to right) Mary De La Cruz and Silvia Garcia, Community Health Workers, Eleanor Juray, program coordinator;
Margie Stahl, chairperson of the Blessing Bags Committee; Gino Ancona, Ridgewood Kiwanis president-elect
and Liz Fitzgerald, president of the Ridgewood Kiwanis Club 3-2-1. Photo courtesy of Bob Monahan
The Ridgewood Glendale Middle
Village Maspeth (RGMVM)
Little League began its 2019
season in grand style with the
organization’s annual Opening Day
Parade on April 6 in Glendale. Teams
of young ballplayers marched with
their parents and coaches through
the neighborhood, from the corner
of Myrtle Avenue and Cypress Hills
Street to Seither Stadium, the league’s
home turf off the corner of Woodhaven
Boulevard and Union Turnpike.
Members of the 104th Precinct and
104th Precinct Civilian Observation
Patrol escorted the marchers to
ensure the festivities were safe. Soon
after arriving at Seither Stadium,
they held a formal opening ceremony
which included remarks from City
Councilman Robert Holden.
RGMVM Little League celebrates 2019 Opening Day
Bundles of blessings for Wyckoff moms