

22 times • APRIL 9, 2015 FOR BREAKING NEWS VISIT FOR BREAKING NEWS VISIT APRIL 9, 2015 • The Courier sun 27 SCOTT BARON’S STAR OF QUEENS brought to you by star OF queens SCOTT BARON & ASSOCIATES, P.C. Attorneys & Counselors at Law 1-866-WAS-HURT (866) 927-4878 718.738.9800 CUTLER’S LIGHTING Over 50 Years Experience REPAIRS • REWIRING • RE-FINISHING • LAMP SHADES TAKE LAMP SHADE SALE PRIMARY CARE PHYSICIANS • MEDICAL SPECIALTY PHYSICIANS EXTENDED HOURS MON-FRI PLUS SATURDAY HOURS MON-THURS 8AM-7:30PM • FRI 8AM-6PM • SAT 9AM-4PM VISIT US ON THE WEB: WWW.DOCCARENY.COM 10% OFF ANY PURCHASE With Coupon. Not combinable – New Orders Only. Limit 1 per customer. $150.00 max for discount. Excludes Repairs, Refi nishing, Rewiring. Exp. 4/30/15 CUTLER’S LIGHTING CUTLER’S LIGHTING SAVE THIS NUMBER 718-497-1919 NEW Patients Welcome! Appointments Preferred Help us Give a reason to be believe in Angels! Angels On The Bay is hosting it's 12th Annual Charity Golf Outing on Monday, April 20, at Inwood Country Club Our sponsors have helped us raise over $325,000 at past events to bene t Children's Pediatric and Social Services. Help us make this year our most successful yet! Any donations, sponsorships or help spreading the word is greatly appreciated! For registration forms or more information email PJ Connolly at [email protected] or call 718-843-8387. Thank you! Angels On The Bay 162-45 Cross Bay Boulevard, Howard Beach NY 11414 For more information about our Charity visit LYNBROOK 817 Sunrise Hwy (2 Blocks west of Peninsula Blvd.) 516-887-1300 GREAT NECK 120 Northern Blvd. 516-482-1919 12 years from now, this LED bulb will still be saving you money. 20-50% OFF on yellow and red tagged items OFF Jessame Hannus TransporTaTion alTernaTives Queens acTivisT commiTTee co-cHair Biking puBlic proJecT co-founder CoMMuniTY serViCe: Jessame Hannus is the co-chair of Transportation Alternatives (TA) Queens Activist Committee and a cofounder of the Biking Public Project. BACKGrounD: By night Hannus is an activist, but by day she works as an insurance broker. “I have no training in urban planning, but have long been fascinated with the correlation between planning community, what makes a healthy neighborhood or shopping district, and how environment contributes to that. I grew up in a fairly suburban community with the amazing good fortune to have free public transportation and moved from there to Los Angeles and then New York,” said Hannus. “I have never actually owned a car! Even in LA I took the city bus.” FAVoriTe MeMorY: “Getting involved with TA Queens Committee really changed my life. I got to know a truly phenomenal community of caring and committed people who I now call friends,” said Hannus. Being part of the committee has allowed Hannus to be empowered to become a better public speaker and organizer. One of Hannus’ favorite events was the “Around the World in Dumplings” ride she led. During the ride the group sampled cuisine from eight different countries in a seven-mile ride, and each stop Hannus gave the group some information about ongoing activism in the immediate neighborhood. “I loved being able to share my love of food, the culture of Queens and spread the word about community involvement in a way that was fun,” she said. BiGGesT ChALLenGe: According to Hannus, the biggest challenge with complete streets advocating in Queens is explaining the concept to those who are not looped in to the urban planning community. “Time and time again I encounter people who cannot envision a way things could be better. It can be disheartening and discouraging, so I can only imagine how the DOT Department of Transportation and City Planning feel when they encounter this sentiment time and time again when presenting their proposals to community,” said Hannus. INSPIRATION: Living in many neighborhoods in New York City, Hannus encountered a whole new set of transportation challenges when she moved to Rego Park. “Sandwiched between Woodhaven and Queens Boulevard, I quickly discovered that finding safe bike routes would be very difficult. I found TA because I was looking for people to ride with to help me navigate this confusing and dangerous streetscape.” Then, after a number of years involved in the advocacy, a friend of Hannus, spurred by the lack of representation of minorities and working cyclists in the advocacy movement, started the idea for a group to address that lack. The Biking Public was created. By Angy Altamirano Did you know..... • MOST INSURANCE ACCEPTED • In addition to Primary Care Needs, DocCare provides you with 23 Speciality Care Physicians at our two Fresh Pond Road Locations: 66-55 FRESH POND RD., RIDGEWOOD, NY 11385 Across From RiteAid 68-23 FRESH POND RD., RIDGEWOOD, NY 11385

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