

for breaking news visit APRIL 9, 2015 • The times 13 A LOOK BACK FOR BREAKING NEWS VISIT APRIL 9, 2015 • THE QUEENS COURIER 39 SNAPS QUEENS Do you believe parents should be able to opt their children out of state math and reading exams? “I think they should be able to opt out of it. ... It shouldn’t have to stress out the children or the parents. We should focus on the education and the kids’ learning.” Ashley Fishberger BY ANGELA MATUA “No. Well, I think that some of the parents don’t know quite as much as what the education system knows. So I don’t know if they’re qualifi ed or not to do that.” Charles Zimmermann “I would say no only because the state wants kids to live up to a certain standard and I agree with that.” Jason Prior “No, because when I had to go to school we had to take them to graduate, so no. Keep them in there, let them get their education because you’re making it too easy for them nowadays.” Kalisha Wrencher “Well, based on what I hear with the teachers, it’s so unfair for the children and there’s a lot of stress for the children. I don’t know if it should be some take and some don’t.” Valerie G. “No, I think it has to be everybody’s in or everybody’s out or there’s no way to kind of get a gauge.” Michelle Becker oped street talk  “I think that all children should get a good education ... and if it was my children I would want them to take the exam, that way you know how knowledgeable they are.” Gail Smiley “I mean I know testing is ridiculous some of them, but no, I think you should take them. I know they need to tweak the system that’s for damn sure, but no.” Patrick Barbarito Giuliana, Luigi, Sofi a and Valentina Caliendo Photo submitted by Stephanie Augello Send us your photos of Queens and you could see them online or in our paper! Submit them to us via our Facebook page, tweeting @queenscourier or by emailing [email protected]. Why I voted against the education budget BY STATE SENATOR TOBY ANN STAVISKY As a former teacher and as the ranking member of the Senate Higher Education Committee, it was with great reluctance that I voted ‘no’ on the policies put forth by Governor Cuomo in the budgetrelated education bills. While Gov. Cuomo has been a leader on a number of progressive policies, such as the SAFE Act, samesex marriage and universal pre-K, I was disappointed by the largely regressive policies that were present in the budget as related to education. The 2015-2016 budget that was fi nalized on April 1 included a $1.6 billion spending increase for education, with $1.33 billion earmarked for school aid. Though this was signifi cantly lower than the $2 billion in state aid that was requested by the State Education Department and that my Democratic colleagues and I fought for, it still brings education funding to its highest level ever. Unfortunately, my colleagues in the Legislature and I were forced to choose between desperately needed school aid or passing a problematic teacher evaluation structure that could be harmful to the performance of both students and teachers for years to come. This ham-fi sted strategy was designed to force legislators to approve the governor’s policy on teacher evaluations, which I believe relied far too heavily on testing to determine a teacher’s effectiveness. The governor’s original proposal would have made student scores on state tests 50 percent of a teacher’s rating (which currently count for 20 percent) and reduce principal evaluations to 15 percent (now at 60 percent). The remaining 35 percent would be determined by observation from an independent evaluator. Making student test scores half of a teacher’s evaluation is overly punitive to hardworking educators and to students who are now steered to learn how to test well, not necessarily how to succeed in college or careers. Many years ago when I taught at Thomas Edison High School in Jamaica, I was assigned to teach math even though I was licensed in social studies. There was a shortage of qualifi ed teachers for STEM subjects and I was the only teacher available who had completed the relevant math coursework. I had reservations about teaching outside of my license but I did what had to be done. Faced with the same situation today, I fear high-stakes testing would have discouraged me from teaching the class. I agree that reforms must be made to our education system so that all teachers receive the support they need and all students receive the high-quality education they deserve. But I also believe that high-stakes testing is a wrongheaded strategy. Test scores should be a smaller portion of a teacher’s score and principal and peer evaluations should carry more weight. I also agree with NYSUT that this plan unfairly strains the collective bargaining rights of teachers in their annual performance review. Making teachers the enemy will not improve education. In fact, I fear it will only increase animosity in a debate that instead needs more collaboration and understanding between teachers, students and parents. State Senator Toby Ann Stavisky represents the 16th Senatorial District covering parts of many neighborhoods in central Queens. The Glendale Memorial Triangle at the corner of Myrtle and Cooper avenues near 70th Street is pictured above in this 1945 photo. In the background is Kohler’s Bar, located at the corner of Myrtle Avenue and 70th Street, which is now the site of Zum Stammtisch restaurant. Note the trolley running down the center of Myrtle Avenue, a forerunner to the Q55 bus that serves Glendale residents today.

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