Some parking relief for Midville residents
Councilman Robert Holden’s
offi ce is claiming it has made
headway in an eff ort to bring
parking options to Middle Village
motorists who have been impacted
by the prolonged Penelope Avenue
sewer project.
The city Department of
Transportation (DOT) opened up 71st
Avenue along Juniper Valley Park to
overnight parking. Although it is not
exactly what Holden has been pushing
for, which is to open Juniper Boulevard
South for overnight parking, a
spokesman for the councilman said
his offi ce will continue the push make
more parking near the park available to
constituents during the project, which
has cost about $22 million and stalled
for months while lead remediations
were made.
“Any additional parking that can
be provided to residents in this area
is desperately needed, but I still don’t
think the DOT has done enough,”
Holden said. “Temporary relief for
the overnight parking restriction
during the duration of this project
was not too much to ask for, and
I’m frustrated that the DOT is only
doing the bare minimum.”
The DOT has placed bags over signs
forbidding parking along 71st Avenue
between Juniper Boulevard South and
62nd Drive, which only spans about
150 feet, and parking restrictions
have only been lifted on the park
side of the street.
“Due to major construction for a
nearby sewer project, some overnight
parking regulations have been
temporarily suspended on 71st Ave.
during the project’s duration following
requests from the local Council
Member, Community Board and
local stakeholders” a DOT spokesman
said. “DOT and DDC will continue to
monitor conditions.”
The agency said it worked with
Holden’s office to implement the
change and is “open to discussing
other potential locations with him and
other stakeholders.”
An interruption of the Penelope
Avenue sewer project concerning lead
in the soil caused other problems for
Middle Villagers living in the work
area, as residents reported damage
to stoops, foundations and sidewalks
in the area.
Holden and City Comptroller Scott
Stringer visited the area in August
2018 and vowed to get the project
moving again while also mitigating
the damage that residents suff ered.
But the Department of Design and
Construction (DDC) restarted the
project in October.
The discovery of lead at the
construction site led Holden to
draft legislation restricting lead
contaminated soil from being stored
uncovered near schools.
Many local residents attributed
the amount of lead in the soil to the
fact many parts of the neighborhood
which was formerly a swamp, are
comprised of landfi ll.
With nearby sewer construction ongoing, City Councilman Robert Holden
is seeking to open up more parking spots at no-standing areas of Juniper
Boulevard South in Middle Village. photo via Google Maps
The Greater Ridgewood Historical Society
Invites you to
Candlelight Tours
Of the Onderdonk House
Saturday, March 2nd , 2019
From 6 - 9PM
Join Us For A Special Evening Of Candlelight
“Duo Brasiliero”, Richard Boukas and Gustavo Amarante
performing Brazilian Guitar and Bass.
$5.00 donation.
Music by
Members, Service Families
and Veterans - Free
Supported in part, by public funds from
the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs,
in partnership with the City Council
Antonio Reynoso and Robert Holden, Council Members
1820 Flushing Avenue, Ridgewood, Corner of Flushing and Onderdonk Avenues.
Subway: L to Jefferson Street, then walk five blocks north along Flushing Avenue.
Bus: Q54 to Flushing and Metropolitan Avenues. B57 to Flushing and Onderdonk Avenues.
Ridgewood Property Owners & Civic Association
General Membership Meeting
Thursday March 7th, 2019
7:00 pm
Ridgewood Presbyterian Church
59-14 70 Avenue
Ridgewood, 11385
1/4 block East of Forest Avenue • Entrance from side parking lot – no steps
Please join us for an evening of education and information from the Haufe’s, long
standing RPOCA members, on how to apply for, and receive, $ 10,000 in NYS tax credits
as homeowners living in a Historic District. They will tell us what they rebuilt, the
photos that are required, the three-part application and the tax credit results.
The 20% New York State Historic
Home Ownership Rehabilitation Tax
Credit for Ridgewood Homeowners
In addition, Paul Kerzner will help clarify some of the issues not resolved
at the February Seminar hosted by RPOCA
on how to avoid a summons when you decide to rebuild and repair your outside façade.
February’s Landmarks RPOCA Seminar: A Rousing success !
Catered sandwiches & salads by Frank’s Deli (Maspeth)
Courtesy of Kerzner Realty, Inc
Property owners in Ridgewood are always welcome to submit a membership application,
subject to RPOCA Board approval. For information: Paul Kerzner, Counsel - 718 381 3366