Crumbling Glendale st. to fi nally get a fi x
For more than 20 years, residents
of Edsall Avenue in Glendale
have complained to Community
Board 5 and multiple city agencies
about the flooding that takes place
on their street every time it rains,
leaving thick mud behind whenever
the water receded.
Assemblyman Mike Miller and
state Senator Joseph Addabbo toured
the area with representatives of the
Department of Transportation and
the Department of Environmental
Protection for the last seven years.
“They couldn’t do nothing, they’d
always tell us,” Miller said.
Last March, Board 5 District
Manager Gary Giordano met the
agencies on Edsall Avenue and was
told Giordano there is no sewer along
the roadway, so there is only one catch
basin on the stretch from 73rd Place to
71st Place.
A complete reconstruction of the
road would be the best solution,
they told Giordano, and that simply
resurfacing the roadway would
not help.
Board 5 currently has the Edsall
Avenue fl ooding issue ranked ninth
on its list of 36 budget requests for the
fi scal year 2019. Giordano said that
the response received in the mayor’s
preliminary budget is that “capital
funding restraints, project capacity
and citywide priorities preclude this
project at this time.”
Shortly after he was elected last
year, Councilman Robert Holden
joined the eff ort and visited the site
with representatives of the DEP and
remained in contact with the agency
throughout 2018. Now, the city has
come up with a plan, though it will not
include a complete reconstruction of
Edsall Avenue.
The DEP has agreed to install more
catch basins along Edsall Avenue and
the DOT will work in conjunction repaving
and re-pitching the road and
installing a curb along the fence line
that runs along the MTA tracks.
“The fl ooding on Edsall Avenue has
been a burden to local residents for
decades, and it is a shame that it was
ignored for so long,” Holden said on
Feb. 22. “Along with my colleagues in
the state Legislature, we have stayed on
top of the DOT and DEP to make them
aware of the depth of this problem, and
I’m happy that they have fi nally come
up with a viable solution.”
No timetable for the project has been
set yet. Still, Miller is pleased that it’s
fi nally on the city’s radar.
“Even a little amount of rain
would cause flooding which made
it impossible for pedestrians and
residents to walk along Edsall Avenue.”
Miller said. “We’re very happy the city
has come up with a plan, and we’re very
happy that the people of Edsall Avenue
won’t have to put up with the ponding,
the mud and all the mosquitoes that
comes with it.”
Addabbo agreed saying Edsall
Avenue need to be fi xed as a public
safety issue.
“For too long residents of Edsall
Avenue in Glendale have suff ered from
fl ooding conditions aft er almost any
amount of rainfall,” he said. “Not only
does the water collect between 71st
Place and 73rd Place, it has nowhere
to go, leading to standing water
conditions that can be a mosquito
and bug breeding ground during
the summer months and frozen ice
conditions in the winter.”
Councilman Robert Holden checks out recent fl ooding on Edsall Avenue
with Glendale resident Brian Heinz.
Photo courtesy of City Councilman Robert Holden
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